Updated List of AAU Ekpoma Postgraduate Courses Offered For Admission

List of AAU Ekpoma Postgraduate Courses Offered For Admission | The Ambrose Ali University (AAU), Ekpoma Higher Degree and Postgraduate Diploma Courses for the 2020/2021 academic session admission exercise.

The management of the Ambrose Ali University (AAU), Ekpoma has advertised the following postgraduate programmes for the 2020/2021 academic session admission exercise.

Recommended: How to Apply for AAU Postgraduate Admission.

AAU Postgraduate Courses.




i. Department of Animal Science
The Department offers M.Sc, M.Phil and Ph.D Programmes in Animal Science (FULL-TIME or PART-TIME) with specialization in:

  1. Animal Nutrition and Biochemistry
  2. Animal Physiology and Reproduction
  3. Animal Breeding and Genetics.
  4. Animal Production and Management
  5. Food Science and Technology

ii. Department of Crop Science
The Department offers M.Ed, M.Phil and Ph.D Programmes in Crop Science (FULL-TIME or PART-TIME) with specialization in:

  1. Crop Production
  2. Crop Physiology
  3. Crop Breeding and Genetics
  4. Pasture Agronomy
  5. Weed Science
  6. Crop Protection (with options in Plant Pathology and Entomology)

iii. Department of Soil Science
The Department offers M.Sc. and Ph.D Programmes in Soil Science (FULL-TIME or PART-TIME) with specialization in:

  1. Soil Management
  2. Soil Minerology & Pedology
  3. Soil Fertility & Chemistry
  4. Soil Microbiology

iv. Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension
The Department offers M.Sc, M.Phil and Ph.D Programmes (FULL-TIME or PART-TIME) in Agricultural Economics with specialization in:

(a). Agricultural Economics with options in:

  1. Agricultural Resources Economics
  2. Farm Management and Production Economics
  3. Agricultural Marketing
  4. Agricultural Co-operatives
  5. Agricultural Finance
  6. Agric-Business

(b). Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology with options in:

  1. Agricultural Programme Planning and Evaluation
  2. Agricultural Administration
  3. Agricultural Advertising/Communication
  4. Community/Rural Development
  5. Extension Processes and Practice
  6. Rural Sociology


i. Department of Englis
The Department offers M.A and Ph.D Programmes in English (FULL-TIME or PART-TIME) with specialization in:

Master of Arts (M.A)

  1. English Language/ or English Literature (Select one)

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D)

  1. English Language/ or English Literature (Select one)

ii. Department of Modern Languages
The Department offers M.A. and Ph.D Programmes in French Studies (FULL-TIME or PART-TIME) with specialization in:

Master of Arts (M.A) in French Studies

  1. French Language
  2. Applied French Linguistics
  3. Translation and Interpretation
  4. Literature (French or other Francophone Africa or Carribbean)
  5. Civilizations (French or other Francophone Speaking Countries)

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in French Studies

  1. Applied Linguistics
  2. French Language
  3. Translation
  4. Civilization
  5. Literature

iii. Department of Religious Management and Cultural Studies

The Department offers M.A. and Ph.D Programmes in Religious Management (FULL-TIME or PART-TIME) with specialization in:

  1. African Traditional Religion
  2. Church History
  3. Christian Theology
  4. New Testament Studies
  5. Philosophy of Religion

Department of History and International Studies

The Department offers M.A, M.Phil and Ph.D Programmes in History (FULL-TIME or PART-TIME)

iv. Department of Philosophy

The Department offers M.A. and Ph.D Programmes in Philosophy (FULL-TIME or PART-TIME) with specialization in:

  1. African Philosophy
  2. Epistemology
  3. Metaphysic
  4. Ethics.


i. Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences

The Department offers M.Sc Programme in Medical Laboratory Sciences (FULL-TIME or PART-TIME)

ii. Department of Human Physiology

The Department offers M.Sc Programme in Human Physiology (FULL-TIME or PART-TIME)


i. Department of Curriculum and Instruction

The Department offers M.Ed and Ph.D programmes (FULL-TIME or PART-TIME)

  1. Curriculum and Instructions
  2. Social Studies Education
  3. Science Education
  4. Language Education

ii. Department of Educational Foundation and Management

The Department offers M.Ed, M.Phil and Ph.D Programmes in Educational Foundations and Management (FULL-TIME or PART-TIME)

iii. Department of Guidance and Counselling

The Department offers M.Ed and Ph.D Programmes (FULL-TIME or PART-TIME) in:

  1. Guidance and Counselling
  2. Educational Psychology

iv. Department of Vocational and Technical Education

The Department offers M.Ed and Ph.D Programmes (FULL-TIME or PART-TIME) in:

  1. Technical Education
  2. Home Economics Education


i. Department of Electrical/Electronics Engineering

The Department offers M.Sc and Ph.D Programmes in Electrical/Electronics Engineering (FULL-TIMEor PART-TIME) with specialization in:

  1. Electrical Power and Machines
  2. Electronics and Telecommunications
  3. Control and Instrumentation

ii. Department of Mechanical Engineering

The Department of Mechanical Engineering offers M.Eng and Ph.D Programmes in Mechanical Engineering (FULL-TIME or PART-TIME) with specialization in:

  1. Applied Mechanics/Engineering Design
  2. Thermo-Fluids


i. Department of Architecture

The Department offers courses leading to the degree of Master of Science (M.Sc) and Ph.D (FULL-TIMEONLY) in Architecture


The Faculty offers LL.M and Ph.D Programmes (PART-TIME ONLY) in:

  1. Commercial and Industrial Law
  2. Private and Property Law
  3. Public Law
  4. Jurisprudence and International Law


i. Department of Business Administration

The Department offers MBA, M.Sc, M.Phil and Ph.D Programmes as follows:

Master in Business Administration (MBA) (PART-TIME ONLY)
Master of Science in Business Administration (M.Sc) (PART-TIME/FULL TIME)
Master of Philosophy (M.Phil) in Business Administration (FULL-TIME)
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Business Administration (FULL-TIME)

ii. Department of Public Administration

The Department offers MPA, M.Sc and Ph.D Programmes as follows:

Master in Public Administration (MPA) (PART-TIME ONLY)
Master of Science in Public Administration (M.Sc) (PART-TIME/FULL TIME) 
Doctor of Philosophy in Public Administration (Ph.D) (PART-TIME/FULL TIME)

iii. Department of Accounting

The Department offers M.Sc and Ph.D Programmes as follows:

Master of Science in Accounting (M.Sc) (PART-TIME/FULL TIME) 
Master of Philosophy (M.Phil) in Accounting (FULL-TIME)
Doctor of Philosophy in Accounting (Ph.D) (FULL TIME)


i. Department of Biochemistry

The Department offers M.Sc. and Ph.D programmes in Biochemistry (FULL-TIME or PART- TIME) with specialization in:

  1. Nutritional Biochemistry
  2. Clinical Biochemistry
  3. Lipid Biochemistry

ii. Department of Botany

The Department offers M.Sc. and Ph.D programmes in Botany (FULL-TIME or PART-TIME) with specialization in:

Masters of Science (M.Sc) in Botany

  1. Mycology/Plant Pathology
  2. Plant Ecology/Bioresearches Development/Ethnobotany
  3. Genetic and Plant Breeding; Genetics and Biotechnology

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Botany

  1. Genetic and Plant Breeding; Genetics and Biotechnology
  2. Plant Ecology/Bioresearches Development/Ethnobotany
  3. Mycology/Plant Pathology
  4. Plant Anatomy/Taxonomy

iii. Department of Microbiology

The Department offers M.Sc. and Ph.D programmes in Microbiology (FULL- IME or PART-TIME) with specialization in:

  1. Medical Microbiology
  2. Environmental Microbiology
  3. Food Microbiology
  4. Industrial Microbiology

vi. Department of Zoology

The Department offers M.Sc. and Ph.D Programmes in Zoology (FULL-TIME or PART-TIME) with specialization in

  1. Entomology
  2. Hydrobiology and Fisheries
  3. Parasitology


i. Department of Chemistry

The Department offers M.Sc. and Ph.D programmes in Chemistry (FULL-TIME or PART-TIME) with specialization in:

  1. Analytical/Environmental Chemistry
  2. Inorganic Chemistry
  3. Organic Chemistry and
  4. Physical Chemistry

ii. Department of Computer Science (FULL-TIME or PART-TIME)

The Department offers M.Sc and Ph.D in Computer Science

iii. Department of Mathematics (FULL-TIME or PART-TIME)

The Department offers M.Sc, M.Phil and Ph.D as follows:

  1. Master of Science in Mathematics (M.Sc)
  2. Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics (Ph.D)
  3. Master of Science in Statistics (M.Sc)
  4. Doctor of Philosophy in Statistics (Ph.D)
  5. Master of Science in Industrial Mathematics (M.Sc)
  6. Doctor of Philosophy in Industrial Mathematics (Ph.D)
  7. Master in Philosophy (M.Phil) Mathematics/Industrial Mathematics and Statistics.

vi. Department of Mathematics (FULL-TIME or PART-TIME)

The Department offers M.Sc and Ph.D as follows:

  1. Master of Science in Mathematics (M.Sc)
  2. Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics (Ph.D)
  3. Master of Science in Statistics (M.Sc)
  4. Doctor of Philosophy in Statistics (Ph.D)
  5. Master in Philosophy (M.Phil) Mathematics/Industrial Mathematics and Statistics.

v. Department of Physics

The Department offers M.Sc. and Ph.D programmes in Physics (FULL-TIME or PART-TIME) with specialization in

  1. Geophysics
  2. Solid State Physics


i. Department of Economics

The Department offers M.Sc. and Ph.D programmes in Economics (FULL-TIME or PART-TIME) with specialization in:

  1. Econometrics
  2. Monetary Economics
  3. Project Evaluation
  4. Development Economics
  5. Public Sector Economics
  6. International Trade and Finance
  7. Human Resources

ii. Department of Sociology

The Department offers M.Sc. and Ph.D programmes in Sociology (FULL-TIME or PART-TIME) with specialization in:

  1. Population and Demography
  2. Industrial and Labour Relations
  3. Political Sociology
  4. Criminology and Deviance
  5. Sociology and Development
  6. Gender Studies

iii. Department of Geography and Environmental Management

The Department offers M.Sc. and Ph.D programmes in Geography and Regional Planning (FULL-TIMEor PART-TIME) with specialization in:

  1. Environmental Resource Management
  2. Urban Geography
  3. Industrial Geography
  4. Climatology
  5. Remote Sensing
  6. Cartography
  7. Rural Development Planning
  8. Agricultural Geography

vi. Department of Political Science (FULL-TIME or PART-TIME)

The Department offers M.Sc. and Ph.D programmes in Political Science (FULL-TIME or PART-TIME) with specialization in:

  1. Political Theory;
  2. Comparative Politics and Development Studies;
  3. Public Administration
  4. International Relations.


The Centre offers M.Sc. and Ph.D programmes with specialization in:

  1. Strategic Studies
  2. Policy and Development Studies


The Institute of Education offers M.Ed and Ph.D Progeammes in Personnel Psychology and Adult Education (FULL-TIME or PART-TIME) with specialization in:

  1. Personnel Psychology
  2. Clinical Child Psychology
  3. Educational Evaluation
  4. Adult Education


Postgraduate Diploma Progremmes are available in the following


a. Department of Crop Science (Full-Time Only)
Postgraduate Diploma in Crop Science

b. Department of Animal Science (Full-Time Only)
Postgraduate Diploma in Animal Science

c. Department of Architecture (Full-Time Only)
Postgraduate Diploma in Architecture

d. Department of Geography and Environmental Management (Full Time/PartTime)
Postgraduate Diploma in Geography and Environmental Management (PGDGRP)

e. Department of Civil Engineering (Full Time/Part Time)
Postgraduate Diploma in Civil Engineering (PGDENG)

f. Department of Electrical/Electronics Engineering (Full Time/Part Time)
Postgraduate Diploma in Electrical/Electronics (PGDENG)

g. Department of Mechanical Engineering (Full Time/Part Time)
Postgraduate Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (PGDENG)

h. Department of Material & Production Engineering (Full Time/Part Time)
Postgraduate Diploma in Materials/Production Engineering (PGDENG)

i. Department of Botany (Full Time/Part Time)
Postgraduate Diploma in Botany (PGDB)

j. Department of Chemistry (Full Time/Part Time)
Postgraduate Diploma in Industrial Chemistry (PGDIC)

k. Department of Computer Science (Full Time/Part Time)
Postgraduate Diploma in Computer Science (PGDCS)

l. Department of Mathematics (Full Time/Part Time)
Postgraduate Diploma in Statistics (PGDS)

m. Department of Microbiology (Full Time/Part Time)
Postgraduate Diploma in Microbiology (PGDM)

n. Department of Zoology (Full Time/Part Time)
Postgraduate Diploma in Zoology (PGDZ)

o. Department of Biochemistry (Full Time/Part Time)
Postgraduate Diploma in Biochemistry (PGDBCH)

p. Department of Business Management (Part-Time Only)
Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration (PGDBM)

k. Department of Public Administration (Part-Time Only)
Postgraduate Diploma in Public Administration (PGDPA)

r. Department of Accounting ((Full Time/Part Time)
Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting (PGDA)

x. Centre for Strategic and Development Studies (Full Time/Part Time)
Postgraduate Diploma in Policy and Development Studies (PGDPDS)
Postgraduate Diploma in Strategic Studies (PGDSS)

t. Institute of Education (Full Time/Part Time)
Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE)

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