List of Best Secondary Schools in Zambia

Best Secondary Schools in Zambia: List of Best Secondary Schools in Zambia AKA Zambian Secondary Schools. The following list contains the Best Government and Private Secondary Schools in Zambia.

Best Secondary Schools in Zambia


We have research and compiled the complete List of Best Secondary Schools in Zambia that gets Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) approval.


Here are the recognized Best Primary Schools meeting the following selection criteria:

  • Being accredited, licensed and/or chartered by the appropriate Zambian Higher Education-related organization
  • offering at least four-year undergraduate degrees (Bachelor degrees) and/or postgraduate degrees (Master or Doctoral degrees)
  • Delivering courses predominantly in a traditional face-to-face, non-distance education format

See also: List of Best Primary Schools in Zambia

Comprehensive List of Best Secondary Schools in Zambia

There are also a lot of Government Colleges, Colleges, Nursing Colleges & School of Midwifery and Universities In Zambia.


The following is a list of Secondary Schools in Zambia. However, it is not exhaustive; we will keep updating it as more schools are added.

  1. Angelina Tembo Girls Secondary Schools
  2. Anoya Zulu Secondary School
  3. Arakan Secondary School
  4. Banani International Secondary School
  5. Baobab College
  6. Bayuni Secondary School
  7. Butondo Secondary School
  8. Bwacha Secondary School
  9. Canisius Secondary School
  10. Chadiza Secondary School
  11. Chalo Trust School
  12. Chama Secondary School in Muchinga
  13. Chassa Boys Secondary School
  14. Chavuma Secondary School in Kalulushi
  15. Chengelo Secondary School
  16. Chikankata Secondary School
  17. Chikola Secondary School, Chingola
  18. Chindwin High School
  19. Chinika High School
  20. Chipata Day Secondary School
  21. Chipembi Girls’ Secondary School
  22. Chisale Day Secondary School
  23. Chiwala Boys’ Secondary School
  24. Chizongwe Secondary School
  25. Choma Secondary School
  26. Chongwe High School
  27. Chudleigh House School
  28. David Kaunda Technical High School
  29. David Livingstone High School
  30. Dominican Convent Secondary School
  31. Fatima Girls Secondary School
  32. Foundation Steps Canadian International School – Ndola
  33. Helen Kaunda Girls High School
  34. Highridge High School
  35. Highland Second School
  36. Hillcrest Technical High School
  37. Holy Cross Secondary School
  38. Ibenga Girls’ Secondary School
  39. International School of Lusaka
  40. Isoka Boys High School
  41. Jembo Secondary School of Pemba
  42. Kabulonga Boys High School
  43. Kabulonga Girls’ High School
  44. Kabundi Secondary School, Chingola
  45. Kabwe Trust
  46. Kabwe High School
  47. Kafue Boys Secondary School
  48. Kalengwa Secondary School
  49. Kalomo Secondary School
  50. Kalonga Secondary School
  51. Kamaila Secondary School in Chisamba
  52. Kambule Secondary School
  53. Kamwala High School
  54. Kasama Boys High School
  55. Kansenshi Secondary School
  56. Kantanshi Trust Secondary School
  57. Katete Boarding High School
  58. Katete Day High School
  59. Kenneth Kaunda Secondary School
  60. Kitwe Boys Secondary School
  61. Kitwe International School
  62. Lake Road P.T.A. School
  63. Lechwe Secondary School
  64. Licef Secondary School
  65. Linda High School
  66. Lilayi Secondary School
  67. Luanshya Boys Secondary School
  68. Lubuto High School
  69. Lukona High School
  70. Lusaka High School
  71. Lwengu School, Monze
  72. Lwitikila Girls High School
  73. Maamba Secondary School
  74. Mable Shaw Secondary School
  75. Makeni Secondary School
  76. Mambwe Secondary School
  77. Mansa Secondary School
  78. Mary Queen of Peace Girls School
  79. Matero Boys Secondary School
  80. Mazabuka Girls High School
  81. Mbala High School
  82. Meheba High School, Solwezi
  83. Mkushi Secondary School
  84. Monze Secondary School
  85. Mt. Makulu Secondary School, Chilanga
  86. Mpatamato High School
  87. Mpelembe Secondary School
  88. Mpongwe Secondary School
  89. Mufulira Secondary School
  90. Mufulira Trust School
  91. Mukinge Girls Secondary School
  92. Mukuba Secondary School
  93. Mumbwa Secondary School
  94. Munali Secondary School
  95. Mungwi Technical High School
  96. Musamba Secondary School, Chilanga
  97. Muyombe High School
  98. Mwinilunga Secondary School
  99. Naboye High School
  100. Namianga Secondary School
  101. Nampundwe High School, Shibuyunji-Njovu M Samson
  102. Ndeke Secondary School
  103. Ndola Girls Technical High School
  104. Njase Girls Secondary School
  105. Nyakangu Private School, Mpika
  106. Nyimba Secondary School
  107. Nyumba Yanga Secondary School
  108. Pemba Secondary School
  109. Petauke Boarding High School
  110. Monde Day High School
  111. Racecourse School
  112. Roan Antelope Secondary School
  113. Roma Girls Secondary School, Lusaka
  114. Rosebank Secondary School
  115. Rusangu Secondary School
  116. St. Andrews High School, Ndola
  117. St. Clements Secondary School
  118. St. Edmund’s Secondary School, Mazabuka
  119. St. Francis High School, Malole
  120. St. Jones Secondary School
  121. St. Joseph’s High School, Monze
  122. St. Marks High School, Mapanza Choma
  123. St. Mary’s Minor Seminary, Chipata
  124. St. Mary’s Secondary School in Kawambwa
  125. St. Mary’s Secondary School, Livingstone
  126. St. Mary’s Secondary School, Lusaka
  127. St. Monica Girls High School
  128. St. Paul’s Secondary School, Kabwe
  129. St. Raphael’s Secondary School, Livingstone
  130. St. Theresa Secondary School, Kasama
  131. Sekela Secondary School, Chingola
  132. Serenje Boys Technical Secondary School
  133. Sikalongo Secondary School
  134. Simba Secondary School, Ndola
  135. Solwezi Technical Secondary School, Solwezi
  136. Sonshine School, Lusaka
  137. Stella Maris Convent School
  138. Stephen Luwisha Girls School, Kabwe
  139. Tina Trust, Lusaka
  140. Twin Palm Secondary, Kabulonga,Lusaka
  141. Twingi Secondary School of Samfya
  142. Zimba Secondary School
  143. Matero Boys’ Secondary School
  144. Matero Girls’ Secondary School
  145. Ituna Secondary School, Kasama
  146. Kasama Boys Secondary School, Kasama
  147. Kasama Girls Secondary School, Kasama
  148. Lubushi Minor Seminary, Kasama
  149. St. Theresa Secondary School, Kasama

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