List of Programs, Courses Offered at Chalimbana University

Here is the complete list of courses offered at Chalimbana University for all programmes and admission requirements for 2022/2023 academic year.

Chalimbana University courses offered 2022, intakes form, student portal, SIS, cut off points, grading system, admission form, admission requirements, contact, website, address, school fees structure, admission list 2022/2023.

We have gathered the full list of Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Diploma, Degree, Distance Education, Maters and International students courses offered in Chalimbana University and requirements to enable prospective candidates to have knowledge of the various accredited courses available in this Institution.

Here below is the comprehensive list of courses offered in Chalimbana University, therefore candidates aspiring to gain admission into the Institution should read below.

Courses Offered At Chalimbana University

We have grouped all programmes under the Chalimbana University has slated below. This will make it easy for you to find your ideal programme.

1. Primary Teacher’s Diploma
2. Diploma in Teaching Methodology
3. Bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education (ECE)
4. Bachelor’s degree in Primary
5. Bachelor’s degree in Secondary with various teaching subjects.
6. Bachelor’s degree in Educational Leadership and Management (ELM).

Fees for in service teachers: K2,300.00 tuition, K500 lodging and food.
Intakes are April for distance and August for full time.
Affordable fees even for highly stricken payslips.

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