Official List of Colleges in Zambia Accredited By MOHE

Colleges in Zambia: List of Colleges in Zambia AKA Zambian Colleges of Education. The following list contains the accredited Colleges in Zambia.

Colleges in Zambia


We have research and compiled the complete List of Colleges in Zambia that gets Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) approval.

Here are the recognized Colleges meeting the following selection criteria:

  • Being accredited, licensed and/or chartered by the appropriate Zambian Higher Education-related organization
  • offering at least four-year undergraduate degrees (Bachelor degrees) and/or postgraduate degrees (Master or Doctoral degrees)
  • Delivering courses predominantly in a traditional face-to-face, non-distance education format

Comprehensive List of Colleges of Education in Zambia

There are also a lot of Government CollegesPrimary Schools, Secondary SchoolsNursing Colleges & School of Midwifery and Universities In Zambia.

The following is a list of Colleges in Zambia. However, it is not exhaustive; we will keep updating it as more schools are added.

  1. Azzalia University
  2. Charles Lwanga College of Education
  3. Chipata College of Education
  4. Copperbelt Teachers’ Training College
  5. David Livingstone College of Education
  6. Digitech School of computers
  7. Evelyn Hone College
  8. Greenwood Institute
  9. Hotel & Tourism Training Institute Trust
  10. Kasama College of Education
  11. Kasia Secretarial College
  12. Kwame Nkurumah Teachers Training College
  13. Kitwe Teachers’ Training College
  14. Kitwe Trades School
  15. Livingstone Institute of Business and Engineering Studies
  16. Livingstone Trades Institute
  17. Livingstone Training College
  18. Lukashya Trades Training Institute Kasama
  19. Malcom Moffat College of Education
  20. Mansa College of Education
  21. Mongu College of Education
  22. Mufulira College of Education
  23. Musi-O-Tunya College of Education of Livingstone
  24. National In-Service Teachers College, Chalimbana
  25. National Institute of Public Administration
  26. Nkumbi International College
  27. Northern Technical College (NORTEC), Ndola
  28. Rhodes Training Institute
  29. Rockview Professional College of Education
  30. Solwezi College of Education
  31. TVTC of Luanshya
  32. Woodlands College
  33. Zambia Air Services Training Institute
  34. Zambia Centre For Accountancy Studies
  35. Zambia College of Agriculture
  36. Zambia Forestry College
  37. Zambia Institute of Mass Communication
  38. Zambia Institute of Special Education
  39. Zambia Insurance Business College Trust
  40. Zambia Open University
  41. Zampost Staff Training College
  42. Zamtel Staff Training College
  43. ZIBSIP
  44. Chikankata College of Biomedical Sciences
  45. Ndola College of Biomedical Sciences
  46. Yasu College of Education, Petauke
  47. Epic college of Education,lusaka

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