Copperbelt University Bursary Application Procedures

Copperbelt University Bursary Application Procedures.

Copperbelt University Bursary Application Procedures

The University does not award the bursary but admits students who had been sponsored by the Government and Non-Government Organisations (NGOs). Therefore all bursary application processions should be addressed to the Ministry of Education’s Bursaries Committee


1.Handwritten application letter, stating loan category

2.Bursaries Committee Application Form

3.Certified copy of admission letter to the University

4.Certified copies of applicant’s.

5.National Registration Card (NRC)

6.Parents/Guardian’s National Registration Card

7.Grade 12 Statement of Results

8.2 recent Passport size photographs

9.Any other information to support the application.


To be eligible for a student loan an individual must be: Zambian citizen 1.School leaver up to 3 years prior to commencement of the programme 2.Admitted into a degree programme at one of the local public universities.


The loan package covers the following: 1.Tuition fees 2.Accommodation fees 3.Cost of books (Book allowance) 4.Project and equipment expenses 5.Student upkeep The actual funding levels are determined by the Government through the Bursaries Committee in consultation with the universities and other relevant stakeholders.


In administering the loan scheme, students are availed the following loan options: 100% funding level 75% funding level 50% funding level 25% funding level. Please note that only vulnerable Zambians need apply for 100% loan and are expected to attach all necessary documents in support of their vulnerability.


1.The loan is determined by the Bursaries Committee and is not negotiable by the students’ union, 2.The loan is only valid for one academic year/semester but may be renewable on application on production of satisfactory academic results, 3.Part of the loan due to the student is paid to the beneficiary through a commercial bank as funds become available, 4.Candidates awarded a Student Loan are expected to meet any short fall not covered by the loan. 5.Upon completion of a programme a student loanee shall be given a grace period of one year whereafter the repayment of the loan shall commence. 6.However, one can start the repayment of the loan even earlier


The Secretariat of the Bursaries Committee is Located on Los Angeles Boulevard, Maxwell House Annex Building, Longacres, Lusaka

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