Copperbelt University Courses Offered
There are several Courses offered at Copperbelt University. After going through the under-listed available courses, you can check the Admission – Entry Requirements Here.
School of the Built Environment
Undergraduate Programmes
- Bachelor of Architecture
- Bachelor of Science in Construction Management
- Bachelor of Science in Quantity Surveying
- Bachelor of Science degree in Real Estate Studies
- Bachelor of Science in Urban & Regional Planning.
Post Graduate Programmes
- Master of Urban and Regional Planning (MURP)
- MSc in Real Estate Finance and Development
- MPhil in Real Estate Studies
- PhD in Real Estate Studies
School Of Business
Undergraduate Programmes
- Bachelor of science in economics
- Business and Project Management
- Transport and Logistics Management
- Public Procurement
- Purchasing and Supply Chain
- Production and Operations Management
- Bachelor of Accountancy (Full-Time, Evening and Distance Modes)
- Bachelor of Science in Banking and Finance (Full-Time, Evening and Distance Modes)
- Bachelor of Business Administration
- Bachelor of Science in Marketing
- Bachelor of Human Resources Management
Post Graduate Programmes
- Master of Science in Accounting and Finance (Full-Time, Evening and Distance Modes)
- MBA Finance (Full-Time, Evening and Distance Modes)
Dag Hammarskjöld Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies Programmes
- Master of Arts in Peace and Conflict Studies
- Doctor of Philosophy in Peace and Conflict Studies
Distance Education
- Bachelor of Science in agro forestry
- Bachelor of Science in Forestry
- Bachelor of Science in Natural resource management and Climate change
- Bachelor of Science in Bio energy
- Bachelor of Science in Fisheries management
- Bachelor of Science in Sustainable aquaculture
- Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Science
- Bachelor of Business Studies with Education
- Bachelor of Science in Biology Education
- Bachelor of Science in Chemistry Education
- Bachelor of Science in Physics Education
- Bachelor of Science in Mathematics Education
- Bachelor of Science in Information and Communication Technology with Education
- The department is in the process of introducing the following Education programmes before the end of the year 2018;
- Bachelor of Science in Agriculture Science Education
- Bachelor of Science in Biometrical Sciences
- Diploma in Teaching Methodology
- Post Graduate Diploma Teaching and Learning
- Bachelor of Engineering in Chemical Engineering
- Bachelor of Engineering in Mining Engineering
- Bachelor of Engineering in Metallurgical Engineering
- Diploma in Metallurgy
- Diploma in Mining
- Diploma in Chemical Technology
- Diploma in Mine Ventilation
- Bachelor of Accountancy
- Bachelor of Business Administration
- Bachelor of Marketing
- Banking and Finance
- Purchasing and Supply
- Bachelor of Business and Project Management
- Bachelor of Science Human Resource Management
- Peace and Conflict Studies
- Bachelor of Local Government Administration
- Local Government Administration(Diploma)
- Paralegal Studies(Diploma)
School Of Engineering Programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering (Hons).
- Bachelor of Science in Construction Management
- Diploma in Civil Engineering
- Diploma in Construction
- Bachelor of Engineering( with Honors )Electrical Electronics
- Bachelor of Engineering (with Honors ) Telecommunications
- Bachelors Degree in Mechanical,
- Mechatronics and
- Aeronautical Engineering.
School Of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Undergraduate Programmes
- Bachelor of Science in Physics
- Bachelor of Science Physics Education
- Bachelor of Science in Chemistry
- BSc in Biotechnology
- BSc in Entomology
- BSc in Microbiology
- BSc in Biodiversity and Ecology
- Bachelor of Science Mathematics Education
- Bachelor of Science Biology Education
- Bachelor of Science Physics Education
- Bachelor of Science Chemistry Education
- Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
Postgraduate Programmes
- Master of Science in Physics
- Master of Science in Physics Education
- PhD in Physics
- Masters of Science in Chemistry
- The DBS offers an MPhil postgraduate programme which is completely research-based
- Master of Science in Biodiversity & Ecology
- Master of Science in Biotechnology
- Master of Science in Entomology
- Master of Science in Microbiology
- Doctor of philosophy Degree Programmes
- The Post-Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE)
- Master of Science Biology Education
- Master of Science Chemistry Education
- Master of Science Mathematics Education
- Master of Science Physics Education
- PhD in Mathematics and Science Education
School Of Medicine
Undergraduate Programmes
- Bachelor of Dental Medicine
- Bachelors of Medicine and Surgery
- Bachelors of Science Clinical Medicine
Post Graduates Degrees
- Doctor of Science degree
School Of Mines and Mineral Sciences
Undergraduate Programmes
- Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.) in Chemical Engineering
- Diploma in Chemical Technology
- Bachelor of Science in Mining & Exploration Geology
- Bachelor of Engineering in Geomatics Engineering
- Diploma in Geomatics Engineering
- Bachelor of Engineering in Environmental Engineering
- Diploma in Evironmental Technology
- Bachelor of Engineering in Mining Engineering
- Mine Planning Option
- Rock Mechanics Option
- Diploma in Mining
- Diploma in Mine Ventilation
- Diploma in Small Scale Mining
- Evening and Distance Programmes
- Bachelor of Engineering : Minerals Engineering / Metallurgical Engineering
- Diploma in Metallurgy Technology
Post Graduates Degrees
- Doctor of Science degree
- M.Sc/M.Phil in Chemical Engineering
School Of Natural Resources
Undergraduate Programmes
- Bachelor of Science in Wood Science and Technology
- Bachelor of Science in Bioenergy Science.
- Bachelor of Science in Plant and Environmental Sciences
- Bachelor of Science in Sustainable Natural Resources Management and Clinic
- Bachelor of Science in Forestry
- Bachelor of Science in AgroForestry
- Bachelor of Science in Wildlife Management
- Bachelor of Science in Fisheries and Aquaculture
School of Information and Communication Technology
Undergraduate Programmes
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
- Diploma in Information Technology
- Bachelor of Information Technology
- Bachelor of Computer Engineering
Post Graduate Programmes
- Master of Science in Computer Science
I would like to do a PhD in curiculum studies at your university. Am an Angolan citizen. i have all requisities necessary for doing this course.