EANBiT Masters Scholarships 2024/2025 | How to Apply

EANBiT application form | The EANBiT Masters Scholarships 2024 /2025 for young East Africans online application portal, requirements, eligibility, application guidelines, application deadline, how to apply online, closing date, and other opportunities links are published here on Eduloaded.com as well as on the official website/application portal.

EANBiT Masters Scholarships 2024 /2025 for young East Africans Application Instruction.

  • Don’t forget that the EANBiT application is totally free of charge.
  • Don’t send anyone money for this opportunity.
  • Beware of Fraudsters!!!!
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Details of EANBiT.

The Eastern Africa Network for Bioinformatics Training (EANBiT) is a collaborative network supported by Fogarty International Center of the National Institutes of Health (FIC-NIH, USA) under Award Number U2RTW010677 with supplementary co-funding from the Initiative to Develop African Research Leaders (IDeAL). EANBiT has three Universities; Pwani University, Makerere University and Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences(MUHAS), and four Research Institutes; International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology(icipe), KEMRI-Wellcome Trust Research Programme (KWTRP), Biosciences eastern and central Africa-International Livestock Research Institute (BecA-ILRI hub) and Uganda Virus Research Institute (UVRI).

EANBiT aims to develop a critical mass of practitioners in this region who can develop and utilize Bioinformatics approaches to Biosciences. The focus over the 5-year period of this phase of the project is to enhance bioinformatics training at Masters level and increase the size and quality of the pool of potential PhD students and researchers. We have had two successful fellowship cohorts of students registered at Pwani University and Makerere University which have a very competitive MSc. Bioinformatics course running. MUHAS is preparing to launch their program.

EANBiT will offer 12 highly competitive fellowships for the MSc. in Bioinformatics for the 2024 -2021 academic year (up to FOUR at each of the participating universities). The fellowships are to cover a maximum of two years of study, including both course work and the thesis work.


✓ The EANBiT fellowships are open to nationals of Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania only.

✓ Applicants must meet each of the separate university admission requirements for the MSc degree.

The MSc Scholarship Package

The network will provide full scholarships for MSc Fellows in the 2024 academic year and will cover the University tuition fees for the entire course, and a stipend to cover reasonable living expenses.


The applicant must submit together with the application:

✓ A comprehensive curriculum vitae including any relevant research work and experience

✓ A one-page letter of motivation explaining why one wants to pursue an MSc. in Bioinformatics

✓ Certified copies of academic transcripts and degree certificate

✓ Contacts of at least two referees

How to Apply

The application process is two-fold:

  1. Applications for places should be made to the preferred host training institution.

Pwani University; Kilifi, Kenya

Please access the following website for more details:

Makerere University; Kampala, Uganda

Please access the following website for more details:

  1. Once the applicant meets the university qualifications, then they can proceed to apply for the scholarship here: http://cbid.icipe.org/apps/eanbit- 2024 /index.php


Only online applications will be accepted

Only fellows who have secured admission with the Universities will receive sponsorship

In case of queries kindly contact us on eanbit@icipe.org

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the EANBiT Masters Scholarships 2024 /2025

However, if you have any feelings regarding the EANBiTPlease kindly drop A COMMENT below and we will respond to it as soon as possible.


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