The Federal University of Technology Akure Available Courses Offered In Each Faculty. See Full Details Here.
The Federal University of Technology Akure has released the available list of courses offered in the institution. All interested persons should take note.
Do you wish to study in the Federal University of Technology Akure? but you are biased about the courses offered in the institution. You need not to worry as we have made everything easy just read through and thank us later.
The Federal University of Technology Akure was founded in 1981. Today, it`s one of the best schools of technology in Nigeria. Do not miss your chance to become a student of FUTA.
Here is the list of courses offered in FUTA (Federal University of Technology, Akure).
School of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology
- Agricultural Extension & Communication Technology
- Agricultural & Resource Economics
- Animal Production & Health
- Crop, Soil & Pest Management
- Fisheries & Aquaculture Technology
- Ecotourism & Wildlife Management
- Forestry & Wood Technology
- Food Science & Technology
School of Engineering & Engineering Technology
- Agricultural Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Electrical & Electronics Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Metallurgical & Materials Engineering
- Mining Engineering
School of Earth & Mineral Sciences
- Applied Geophysics
- Applied Geology
- Metereology
- Marine Science & Technology
- Remote Sensing & Geo-science Information Systems.
School of Environmental Technology
- Architecture
- Building Technology
- Estate Management
- Industrial Design
- Quantity Surveying
- Urban & Regional Planning
- Surveying and Geoinformatics
School of Management Technology
- Project Management Technology
- Transport Management Technology
- Library Management Technology
- Entrepreneurship Management Technology
School of Sciences
- Biochemistry
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Computer Science
- General Studies
- Mathematical Sciences
- Microbiology
- Physics and Statistics.
List of New Courses
School of Sciences
If you want to dedicate your life to science, then you might want to consider the School of Science from FUTA newly approved courses. It`s your chance to enhance your knowledge in science! Take one of the following courses in FUTA:
- Physics & Statistics
- Microbiology;
- Mathematic Sciences;
- General Studies;
- Computer Science;
- Chemistry;
- Biology;
- Biochemistry.
School of Management Technology
- Library Management Technology;
- Transport Management Technology;
- Project Management Technology;
- Entrepreneurship Management Technology.
School of Environmental Technology
This is your chance to combine Nature and Science! Attend the School of Environmental Technology to become an expert in this area of science!
- Surveying and Geoinformatics;
- Urban and Regional Planning;
- Quantity Surveying;
- Industrial Design;
- Estate Management;
- Building Technology;
- Architecture.
School of Earth and Mineral Sciences
If you want to know more about Earth resources, then you should definitely go for this area! These courses will certainly serve you well.
- Remote Sensing and Geoscience Information Systems;
- Marine Science and Technology;
- Meteorology;
- Applied Geology;
- Applied Geophysics.
School of Engineering Technology
- Mining Engineering;
- Metallurgical and Materials Engineering;
- Mechanical Engineering;
- Electrical Engineering;
- Civil Engineering;
- Agricultural Engineering;
School of Agricultural Technology
Agriculture takes second position when it comes to it importance to the Nigerian economy. You can become one of those people who will help to make Nigeria great! You just need to choose one of the following FUTA newly approved courses:
- Forestry and Wood Technology;
- Ecotourism and Wildlife Management;
- Fisheries and Aquaculture Technology;
- Crop, Soil and Pest Management;
- Animal Production and Health;
- Agricultural and Resource Economics;
- Agricultural Extension and Communication Technology;
- Food Science and Technology!
Note: This list is subject to additional additions as some courses are now being added to the schools faculty but we promise to update this list periodically.