Ghent University 2021 Tuition Fees, Courses Offered & Admission Requirements

Ghent University 2021 Tuition Fees, Courses Offered & Admission Requirements

The article you are about to read is a well-researched article on Ghent University in Belgium, the article is about its history, admission process, faculties present in the school, bachelor’s and masters programmes ran in UGent, scholarship opportunities, exchange student programme, PhD vacancies, QS ranking and many more. This article is a comprehensive detail about the Ghent University, Belgium.

The Ghent University (Dutch: Universiteit Gent) is a public research university located in Ghent, Belgium. It was established in 1817 by King William 1 of Netherlands as a Latin-speaking State University.


After the Belgian revolution of 1830 the newly formed Belgian State began to administer the University.

In 1930 the UGent became the first Dutch speaking university in Belgium whereas French had previously been the standard academic language. In 1991 the University was granted major autonomy and changed its name from the State University of Ghent to the Ghent University.

The Ghent University is abbreviated as UGent. The motto of the UGent in Latin is “Inter Utrumque” and translated to mean “in between and both” in English. The first rector of the UGent was JC van Rotterdam. The current rector is Rik van de Walle.

Ghent University Courses

Bachelor Degree Programmes By Area in the UGent:

  • Philosophy and Moral Sciences
  • Linguistics and Literary Studies
  • History
  • Archaeology and Art Sciences
  • Law, Notarial Law and Criminology
  • Psychology and Educational Sciences
  • Economics and Business Economics
  • Political and Social Sciences
  • Social Health Sciences
  • Physical Education and Rehabilitation Sciences
  • Sciences
  • Engineering
  • Applied Biological Sciences
  • Medicine
  • Dentistry
  • Veterinary Medicine
  • Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Biomedical Sciences
  • Industrial Sciences and Technology
  • Audiovisual and visual arts
  • Music and Performing Arts
  • Biotechnology
  • Business Studies
  • Applied Language Studies
  • Nautical Sciences

Masters Degree In UGent:

The UGent runs ten programmes in its Master’s degree.

  • Environmental Studies & Earth Sciences.
  • Engineering & Technology
  • Medicine & Health
  • Natural Sciences & Mathematics
  • Agriculture & Forestry
  • Applied Sciences & Professions
  • Business & Management
  • Social Sciences
  • Computer Science & IT
  • Law.

Ghent University Tuition Fee:

The tuition fee for UGent students are categorized into two; tuition fee for EEA students and non EEA students. The tuition fee also consist of a fixed amount and an amount per credit.

Tuition fee for Bachelor’s degree programmes, Linkage Programme and Preparatory programme for the 2021-2019 academic session is

€238.30 fixed amount + € 11.40 per credit. For 60 credits: €922.30

Study allowance Flemish Community (“Studietoelage”) €108.80. For more details on the UGent tuition fee, check the University website. The tuition fee for non EEA students enrolled in Dutch taught bachelor degree programmes is the same for the Masters degree programme.

Tuition fee for Masters Programme (not advanced) and specified teacher programme 2021-2019.

By Faculty:

  • Faculty of Arts and Philosophy

Standard tuition fee (€238.30 fixed amount + €11.40 per credit) + higher tuition fee (€14.50 per credit)

For 60 credits: €1792.30

  • Faculty of Law and Criminology

Standard tuition fee (€238.30 fixed amount + €11.40 per credit) + higher tuition fee (€76,70 per credit)

For 60 credits: €5524.30

  • Faculty of Sciences

Standard tuition fee (€238.30 fixed amount + €11.40 per credit) + higher tuition fee (€14.50 per credit)

For 60 credits: €1792.30

  • Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences

Standard tuition fee (€238.30 fixed amount + €11.40 per credit) + higher tuition fee (€76,70 per credit)

For 60 credits: €5524.30

  • Faculty of Engineering and Architecture

Standard tuition fee (€238.30 fixed amount + €11.40 per credit) + higher tuition fee (€76,70 per credit)

For 60 credits: €5524.30

  • Faculty of Economics and Business Administration

Standard tuition fee (€238.30 fixed amount + €11.40 per credit) + higher tuition fee (€76,70 per credit)

For 60 credits: €5524.30

  • Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Standard tuition fee (€238.30 fixed amount + €11.40 per credit) + higher tuition fee (€76,70 per credit)

For 60 credits: €5524.30

  • Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences

Standard tuition fee (€238.30 fixed amount + €11.40 per credit) + higher tuition fee (€14.50 per credit)

For 60 credits: €1792.30

  • Faculty of Bioscience Engineering

Standard tuition fee (€238.30 fixed amount + €11.40 per credit) + higher tuition fee (€76,70 per credit)

For 60 credits: €5524.30

  • Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Standard tuition fee (€238.30 fixed amount + €11.40 per credit) + higher tuition fee (€35,20 per credit)

For 60 credits: €3034.30

  • Faculty of Political and Social Sciences

Standard tuition fee (€238.30 fixed amount + €11.40 per credit) + higher tuition fee (€14.50 per credit)

For 60 credits: €1792.30

>Interfaculty Master-after-Bachelor Programmes

  • Faculty of Sciences and Faculty of Bioscience Engineering and Faculty of Engineering and Architecture
  • ‘Master of Science in Bioinformatics’:

Standard tuition fee (€238.30 fixed amount + €11.40 per credit) + higher tuition fee (€14.50 per credit)

For 60 credits: €1792.30.

  • Diploma contract and credit contract

€ 238.30 fixed amount + € 11.40 per credit

For 60 credits: € 922.30

Study allowance Flemish Community (“Studietoelage”) € 108.80.

Admission into Ghent University Bachelor’s Degree Programme:

For prospective students that want to apply through “direct admission”. The list of diplomas the UGent accepts are listed in its website. If your diploma is listed on the schools website then you will be required to upload this diploma and its transcripts. You will then be informed by e-mail on how to proceed for enrollment.

The Ghent University accepts diplomas such as:

  • a Belgian degree, for specific diplomas a list is available in Dutch
  • an “European Baccalaureate” issued by a European School
  • an “International Baccalaureate – du baccalauréat international” delivered by the International Baccalaureate Office (Geneva, Switzerland)
  • a diploma from the NATO SHAPE-school
  • Germany: “Zeugnis der allgemeinen Hochschulreife/Abitur”.
  • France: “Baccalauréat Général”, “Baccalauréat Technologique” or “Baccalauréat Professionnel”
  • Luxembourg: “Certificat de Fin d’Etudes secondaires” or “diplôme de Fin d’Etudes secondaires techniques”
  • The Netherlands: “Voorbereidend wetenschappelijk onderwijs” (VWO)”, “Getuigschrift van met goed gevolg afgelegd propedeutisch examen” of “Getuigschrift Propedeuse Hoger Beroepsonderwijs”
  • Suriname: “Voorbereidend wetenschappelijk onderwijs” (VWO)”
  • USA: “High school diploma” + transcript of records, with a minimum of 4APs (Advanced Placements), with an original Apostille seal
  • A foreign diploma declared equivalent by NARIC
  • A foreign university bachelor or master diploma, correctly certified/legalised
  • a correctly certified/legalised diploma with an accompanying access declaration stating that, on the grounds of that diploma, the student can be admitted to university studies of the country in which the diploma was awarded, if this country has ratified the Lisbon Recognition Convention.

>Apply for admission:

If an individual would be admitted in his/her own country then chances are that individual might be admitted into the UGent but would need to fill out an application process which would include the following:

>Declaration of access to a university bachelor programme in the country where the diploma was awarded for the purpose of access to a bachelor programme at Ghent University an authorised person confirms this by completing this form

>A confirmation that you have been accepted at a university in your home country

>A certificate of enrolment from a university in your home country.

Language Requirements:

All bachelor programmes are instructed in Dutch.

You cannot enrol without a valid proof of the required level of Dutch

Dutch at level B2 is required upon enrolment for most bachelor programmes

Level C1 is required for the Bachelor of Arts in Applied Language Studies (Bachelor of Arts in de toegepaste taalkunde).

Masters Programmes Taught in Dutch:

Most Master’s degree programmes are taught in Dutch, you cannot enroll without a valid proof of required level in Dutch.

Dutch at level B2 is required upon enrolment into most masters degree programme.

Masters Degree Programme Taught in English.

Some Master’s degree programmes are taught in English , you cannot enroll without a valid proof of required level on English.

English at level B2 is required upon enrolment into most masters degree programme.

Validity of Language Proof:

The prospective students must posses a validity of language proof.

On the UGent website the validity of language proof states that:

Any accepted proof of language proficiency must be valid upon enrolment

The validity date mentioned on the language certificate cannot be exceeded

If no validity date is mentioned on the language certificate, the certificate can be no older than 4 academic years, counting from the academic year after the proof of language was acquired.

How To Apply For A Bachelor’s Degree Programme:

There are four steps in which a prospective student must pass through if he/she is to apply into the Ghent University. These steps are:

  • Make sure that you meet the admission requirements
  • Check application deadlines
  • Start up the application procedure
  • Legalise your documents.

Admission To Masters Programme In UGent:

There are two types of Maters programme in the Ghent University.

There is the:

1)(Initial) master, also referred to as manaba.

2)Advanced or subsequent master, also referred to as manama.

Under the Initial Masters(Manaba)

Initial) master

Holders of an appropriate Belgian academic bachelor degree

Holders of a foreign university bachelor degree or higher education bachelor diploma: bachelor of minimum three years

In some cases applicants cannot be admitted directly to a master programme but have to do a specific preparatory or linking course (between 45 and 90 ECTS credits) first , depending on their previous studies

2)Under the Advanced Masters (Manama), the provisions are:

Holders of an appropriate Belgian master degree (manaba)

Holders of a foreign university master degree or higher education master diploma

Most advanced master programmes only accept applications from holders of a master diploma, certain programmes may accept a bachelor of minimum 4 years.

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