www.jamb.gov.ng | Has anyone registered for JAMB 2017 UTME? Share experiences here?
We’re calling on any JAMB candidate, who has successfully registered for the JAMB 2017 UTME, and has collected his/her e-slip as evidence of registration from the accredited CBT centres.
Please, your brothers and sisters are finding it difficult to complete their own registration and over 1.5 million candidates are expected to register for this exam.
Below are some important links you should check:
2017 UTME | Approved JAMB CBT Centres for 2017 UTME Registration
JAMB List Of Authorized Banks For Sales Of UTME Forms & Pin Vending Procedures – 2017
2017 UTME | JAMB Set Mock Examination Date & Registration Details
2017 UTME | JAMB Candidates To Choose Only One Public University During Registration
- JAMB Regularization Procedure [Guidelines-on-How-to-Do-it-Yourself]
If you have successfully registered (and collected your e-slip), please share your experiences here and if there was any special procedure you adopted to help you register quickly.
You are also free to share the exact and active Accredited JAMB CBT centre that you registered with.
Any information you share on this thread about registration will be valued.
Pls don’t hesitate sharing this Information across to others via our sharing buttons below & also feel free to comment, we appreciate comments.