Maseno University Admission Requirements For 2024/2025 Application

Maseno University Admission Requirements 2024/2025 – All Courses | The Maseno University Entry Requirements (Undergraduate & Postgraduate) has been released for 2024/2025 academic year.

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The Authority of the Maseno University has publicized the Admission Requirement for private and government-sponsored undergraduate and postgraduate (KUCCPS, Degree, Ph.D., Masters, Diploma, Certificate, Distant Learning, International Students, Short Course and No Degree) prospective candidates that seek admission into the institution for the academic year.

Maseno University admission requirements are for various programmes offered at the institution, it serves as a guide in the application process. All interested applicants are to read through carefully making sure that they fulfill the requirements before putting in an application.

NGR has published below the Maseno University Admission Requirements has released on the official website.

Maseno University Admission Requirements 2024/2025

Maseno University Admission Requirements is successfully uploaded online, to access the fee, click on the link below representing your programme of choice:



The entry requirements set out below are only minimum and they in no way entitle an applicant to a place in the University.

Applicants must:

  1. a)Have the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education with an average grade C+ (C plus)passed at one sitting from at least seven subjects drawn from subject groupings as specified by the Kenya National Examinations Council or its equivalent.


  1. b)Have one of the following combinations of passes in the Kenya Advanced Certificate of Education examination:
  2. i)Two (2) Principal passes obtained at the same sitting.


  1. ii)Two (2) Principal passes obtained at different sittings provided the passes are of Grade C or higher.


  1. c)Hold a Diploma of Maseno University with a “Credit” pass or higher or an equivalent qualification from a recognized institution in the relevant field of specialization acceptable to Senate. Those with a “Pass” Diploma will be considered if they have at least two years relevant experience after graduation.


  1. d)Meet additional entry requirements as may be specified by the respective Department, Faculty, School or Institute


The entry requirements set out below are only minimum, and they do not in any way, entitle an applicant to a place in the University. Applicants must:

  1. a)Have the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education with an average grade “C” passed at one sitting from at least seven subjects drawn from subject groupings as specified by the Kenya National Examinations Council or equivalent. Provided that candidates with disabilities will be given special consideration with regard to the number of subjects taken at KCSE.


  1. b)Hold a certificate from a recognized institution with a “Credit” pass or higher or equivalent qualification from a recognized institution in the relevant field of specialization, acceptable to Senate.


  1. c)Meet additional or specific entry requirements as may be specified by the respective Department, Faculty, School or Institute offering the Diploma programme.



  1. a)Applicants shall fulfil the following minimum requirements:
  2. i)Hold at least a first Degree or the equivalent from a recognized institution.
  3. ii)Meet special requirements as may be prescribed by the Department, Faculty, School, Institute and Campuses
  4. b)Applicants shall be admitted to only one Postgraduate Certificate programme at a time.
  5. c)Application forms may be obtained from the Director, Board of Postgraduate studies upon payment of a prescribed Non-Refundable Fee and returned duly completed.
  6. d)Admission shall be confirmed by a letter from the Direct, Board of Postgraduate Studies.



  1. a)Applicants shall fulfil the following minimum requirements:
  2. i)Hold at least a first Degree or the equivalent from a recognized institution.
  3. ii)Meet special requirements as may be prescribed by the Department, Faculty, School, Institute or Campus.
  4. b)Applicants shall be admitted to only one Postgraduate Certificate programme at a time.
  5. c)Application forms may be obtained form the Director, Board of Postgraduate studies upon payment of a prescribed Non-Refundable Fee and returned duly completed.
  6. d)Admission shall be confirmed by letter from the Director, board of Postgraduate Studies



  1. a)Application forms may be obtained from the Director, Board of Postgraduate studies upon payment of a prescribed Non-refundable fee and returned duly completed.
  2. b)All applicants for registration shall be processed in the first instance through the relevant Department in which registration is sought. The Department shall then forward all such applications with appropriate comments to the Faculty board concerned for approval and onward transmission to the Board of Postgraduate studies.
  3. c)Applicants shall be admitted to only one Degree programme at a time.
  4. d)Admission shall be confirmed by letter from the Direct, Board of Postgraduate Studies
  5. e)Admission shall be offered to holders of a Bachelor’s Degree with an Upper Second Class Honours or above or equivalent qualification from recognized Institutions.
  6. f)In exceptional cases, the Senate may also admit to the Master’s programme a non-holder of Upper Second Class Honours provided that such candidate can, on the basis of the research and other scholarly work done; demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Senate qualification to undertake postgraduate studies.
  7. g)Subject to approval by the Senate, Departments may formulate regulations requiring applicants to have attained other academic qualifications as may be consistent with the goals of their Master’s programmes or to appear for interview to determine their suitability for admission.
  8. h)In exceptional cases, holders of lower second class honour may be admitted if they have two years of relevant experience.



Candidates wishing to pursue a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) programme at Maseno University must meet the following requirements;

  1. a)Have appropriate preparatory academic training as evidenced by at least one of the following:
  2. i)Be a holder of a Master’s Degree of Maseno University
  3. ii)Be a holder of a Master’s Degree or an equivalent academic qualification of any other recognized institution.

iii)    Be a candidate enrolled for a Master’s Degree in Maseno University for at least one year who has to the satisfaction of the Senate shown exceptional progress in the Research Work to merit upgrading.

  1. iv)Be a holder of a Bachelor’s Degree whom the Senate has specially exempted from the Master’s programme.
  2. b)Fulfil specific requirements as may be stipulated by respective Department, Faculty/School/Institute/Campus with regard to the field of study.


  1. a)Application forms may be obtained from the Director, Board of Graduate Studies upon payment of a prescribed Non-refundable fee and returned duly completed.
  2. b)Where a candidate is to pursue the programme by Research/thesis only, the candidate will be required to present a Research Proposal together with the application for registration.
  3. c)Where the candidate is to pursue the programme by Coursework, Examination and thesis, the candidate shall be required to submit a brief summary of the intended area of study together with the Application Forms. A full Research Proposal shall be submitted within three (3) months or registration.
  4. d)All applications for registration shall be processed in the first instance through the relevant Department in which registration is sought. The Department shall then forward all such applications with appropriate comments to the Faculty/School/Institute/Campus Board concerned for approval and onward transmission to the Board of Postgraduate Studies.
  5. e)Before recommending a candidate for registration, the Department and Faculty/School/Institute/Campus Board concerned shall ensure that:
  6. i)The proposed field of study is academically sound and can successfully be pursued and supervised.
  7. ii)There exist adequate facilities and resources for effective research

iii)    The appropriate fees have been paid.

However, if you have any feeling regarding the Maseno University Entry Requirements, Or find what you needed Or you have any correction regarding this post, Please, kindly DROP A COMMENT below and we will respond to it as soon as possible.

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