Mkwawa University College of Education Fees Structure In 2024/2025

Mkwawa University College of Education Fees Structure, MUCE Fees Structure, MUCE Tuition Fees Schedule | The Mkwawa University College of Education Fees Structure has been released for the academic year.

Authority of the Mkwawa University College of Education, MUCE School Fees Structure has been scheduled as follows:-

Mkwawa University College of Education Fees Structure


At the beginning of the academic year, each student will be required to produce evidence of sponsorship by the Government or any other organizations. Students under the Government Loan Board are expected to pay their portion of the fees not covered by the Loan Board (based on mean test grade) at the beginning of the semester before they can be permitted to use the University facilities. Payment should be made through MUCE CRDB Bank Account Number 01J1071134815 (Mkwawa Branch). This account is for tuition fees and direct university costs only. Students are required to keep their original pay-in slips for submission to the Bursar to be issued a MUCE receipt.

For more information down the link here 

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