Official List of Courses Offered at Mongu College of Education (MOCE)

Mongu College of Education Courses… Complete List of Mongu College of Education Programs offered, departmental cut off point/mark and admission requirements.


Mongu College of Education (MOCE) courses available for admission, intakes form, student portal, SIS, cut off points, grading system, admission form, admission requirements, contact, website, address, school fees structure, admission list.

We have gathered the full list of Mongu College of Education Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Diploma, Degree, Distance Education, Maters and International students courses offered in Mongu College of Education and requirements to enable prospective candidates to have knowledge of the various accredited courses available in this Institution.

Here below is the comprehensive list of courses offered in Mongu College of Education, therefore candidates aspiring to gain admission into the Institution should read below.

Courses Offered At Mongu College of Education.

We have grouped all programmes under the Mongu College of Education has slated below. This will make it easy for you to find your ideal programme.

965-1994- Zambia Primary Course. This was a three tier course that trained teachers for Upper Primary (U2), Lower Primary (L2) and Domestic Science teachers. In ZPC, students took 12 subjects which included Education , English, Silozi, Mathematics, Social Studies, Religious Education, , Industrial Arts, Music, Art, Physical Education and Science. Home Economics was for those that took Domestic Science.


1994-1999- Zambia Basic Education Course which trained teachers to teach all grades at Primary level. This also focused on audio lingual as a way of teaching English. In ZBEC, students took 14 subjects which included Education, English, Silozi, Mathematics, Social Studies, Religious Education, Industrial Arts, Home Economics, Music, Art, Physical Education, Science and Political Education

1999-2012- Zambia Teacher Education Course which aimed at alleviating teacher shortage in schools. Student Teachers were in the College for one year and then sent into school for one year to do their teaching practice. This doubled teacher output. Students no longer took segmented subjects like it was in ZPC and ZBEC. Subjects were integrated. The course had 6 Study Areas namely: Education Studies which had Philosophy of Education, Sociology of Education and Special Education; Literacy and Languages Education which combined English and Zambian Languages; Mathematics and Science Education which had Mathematics, Science and Agricultural Science. Mathematics has since been split from Science and the two are separate; Social, Spiritual and Moral Education which had Social Studies and Religious Education; Technology Studies which had Home Economics and Industrial Arts and Expressive Arts which had Music, Art and Physical Education. Each Study Area is headed by a Head of Section while the Library Section is headed by a Senior Librarian.

The College has since January 2012 started a three year pre-service Primary Teachers’ Diploma Course. At the end of every year, examinations shall be conducted. Only those that will pass the examinations shall proceed to the next level in addition to meeting continuous assessment requirements. At the end of the three year course, successful candidates shall be awarded a Diploma in Primary Teaching by the College in conjunction with the University of Zambia.


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