
Open University of Tanzania Postgraduate Mode of Study

About OUT postgraduate programmes, OUT Postgraduate study duration | The Open University of Tanzania Postgraduate Mode of Study has released as slated here below.

Open University of Tanzania Postgraduate Mode of Study


Mode of Study

Candidates registered for a Postgraduate Diploma shall carry out studies by coursework, examinationsand independent study.

Mode of delivery (Thesis/CourseWork and Dissertations)
Coursework Evaluation for Master’s Degree
1) Candidates registered for a coursework and dissertation programme shall do coursework examinations following assessment procedures approved by the relevant Faculties/Institutes.


2) The coursework portion shall consist of a minimum of 6 units of postgraduate courses including all the core courses, specified by each Faculty.  The courses may be taken by distance from the Open University of Tanzania or from any other approved institution. Candidates whose first degree is considered deficient may be required to take one or more undergraduate courses in addition to the minimum postgraduate requirements.

3) Candidates shall be allowed to proceed with the dissertation research phase of the Master’s programme provided they have less than 3 courses remaining to complete the course work part. Before they can graduate the candidates must successfully complete the entire coursework part with a mean overall grade of ‘B’ in all courses designated for the respective degree programmes.

4) The pass mark for both core and elective courses shall be a ‘B’ grade average. Candidates whose average pass is below the indicated average grade above, in not more than two required courses, shall be required to do supplementary examinations in the subjects failed if the overall GPA is at least 3.0. The maximum grade for a course that has been supplemented shall be a B.

5) Candidates whose overall grade point average is below a ‘B’ (i.e. below GPA of 3.0) in the coursework part shall be discontinued from studies.


6) A candidate failing in not more than two papers and has a GPA of 3.0 or more, shall be required to do supplementary examination.

7) Candidates failing supplementary examinations shall be discontinued from studies.
8)    Grading system for examination in all Faculties and Institutes shall be:

Grade Marks Grade Point Quality
A 70-100% 4.4 – 5.0 Excellent
B+  60-69% 4.0 – 4.3 Very Good
B 50-59% 3.0 – 3.9 Good/Pass
C 40-49% 2.0 – 2.9 Marginal Fail
D 35-39% 1.0 – 1.9 Fail
E 0-34% 0 – 0.9 Absolute Fail

In calculating the final GPA the total grade points of all subjects is divided by the total units. GPA will be rounded to the nearest single decimal as explained in section 10.8 of the undergraduate examinations regulations.

9) Before commencing research for dissertation, a candidate shall submit for final approval by the Faculty Board a concise proposal of the research.  The Faculty Board at its discretion may decline to approve the proposal or recommend revision if:
•   In its opinion it is unsuitable in contents

•   The conditions under which the candidate proposes to work are unsatisfactory.

10) All cases of alleged examination irregularities shall be referred to the Postgraduate Studies Committee of Senate and Senate.  The Committee shall have powers of summoning students and members of staff as it deems necessary.  The Committee shall submit a report of its findings and recommendations to Senate for approval, prior to any action.  Any Candidate who shall be shown to have cheated in any part of the examination shall be discontinued from studies.

11) A candidate who is discontinued cannot apply for admission for the same course before three years have elapsed.




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