Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) Fees Structure

Here is the official Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) Fees Structure – Tuition Fees to be paid by each Tanzanian & International Student ( Undergraduate, Diploma, International students, Graduate, Postgraduate, PhD, Masters, Degree and Non-Degree Programmes) for the academic year.

SUA School Fees and Funding

At the beginning of the Academic Year, all students will be required to produce evidence of having been awarded a Government Bursary from their respective Ministries of Education (if East African) or evidence of Scholarship Awards; otherwise they will be expected to pay full tuition and University fees for one semester, at the beginning of the semester, before they can be permitted to use University facilities.

Payment of fees should be made within three months after receipt of the offer of admission but not after registration or adequate and acceptable arrangements to that effect should be made before a candidate is registered.
Failure to pay within the specified period may result in the withdrawal of registration.

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