Universities You Can Choose As 2nd Choice During JAMB 2019 UTME Registration

Universities You Can Choose As 2nd Choice During JAMB 2019 UTME Registration. We believe that the instruction earlier given by JAMB that candidates should choose only one public university was only an advise to candidates due to the fact that in many cases candidates who choose public universities as 1st and 2nd choice end up not even considered for admission by their 2nd choice universities due to the high competition in the universities they selected.


Universities You Can Choose As 2nd Choice During JAMB 2018 UTME Registration

So candidates who wish to select two public universities as 1st and 2nd choice can go ahead an do so. However, the list of Public Universities you can select is VERY LIMITED. Most of the popular Universities will not even be listed, while selecting for 2nd choice. We therefore advise such candidates to ensure they select public universities that are less competitive as their 2nd choice options in order to stand a chance of being considered for admission.


So to further ensure that you make the right choice, we have provided the names of the universities that are less competitive, as earlier announced by JAMB during the 2019 Registration process. We believe this will be similar to what can be obtained as 2nd choice selection for this 2019 Registration.

The list contains Federal, State and Private universities that are less competitive. So if you wish to pick a public university as a 2nd choice, please ensure it is one of the ones on this list or any other one you know that is less competitive.


TIP: You can have 2 or 3 options as a priority list, in case you don’t find one during your selection, you can take the next option.

It is recommended that You can also Download and print the updated JAMB 2019 UTME Registration Template – Download Free

. This will help you.

There is no official list released by JAMB this 2018 as Universities you can choose as 2nd choice, so you’ll have to make use of the attached list.

The names of the universities are contained on the attached PDF document;


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