
University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) Postgraduate Registration Process

UDSM postgraduate online registration/application procedures  for the academic year.

University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) Postgraduate Registration



  1. In most disciplines, candidates will be registered for course-work study followed by research leading to a dissertation.  In others, the degree study will be by research leading to a thesis without a prescribed course-work component.
  1. Candidates may register as full time or as part-time students.  Registration will take place during the first two weeks of Semester I and Semester II for the respective intakes.
  2. First year candidates must submit the following documents at the time of registration:
    1. Evidence of payment of University fees,
    2. Copies and originals of University/College transcripts and certificates; and   secondary school certificates (Forms 4 and 6).  Original certificates/transcripts will be returned to the candidate after physical verification,
    3. Two stamp size photographs,
    4. Evidence of release from employer (if employed), and
    5. Evidence of sponsorship or ability to self support.
  3. Candidates shall be required to register at the beginning of the first year of their studies using form UDSM/PG.F4a and to renew their registration at the beginning of every subsequent year by filling in form UDSM/PG.F5 and paying the required fees.
  4. Failure to renew registration shall mean automatic discontinuation from studies.
  1. Students shall be registered by names appearing on their certificates.  No change of names by students shall be entertained during the course of study at the University of Dar es Salaam
  2. No student shall be allowed to postpone studies after effective commencement of an academic year, except under special circumstances. Permission to postpone studies will be considered after producing satisfactory evidence of the reason for postponement. Special circumstances shall include:
    1. Sickness,
    2. Serious social problems (each case to be considered on it’s own merit), or
    3. Severe sponsorship problem.
  3. Students shall be allowed to be away from the University studies for a maximum of two years if they are to be re-admitted to the same programme and year of studies where they left off.
  4. No student shall be allowed to change subjects/courses/programmes after the third week of commencement of the semester.
  5. Transferring from one academic programme to another will be allowed only if the candidate possesses the required admission criteria for the programme for which transfer is being sought and a vacancy exists in that programme.
  6. The registration of new and continuing students shall be two weeks from the first day of the commencement of classes.  Students seeking registration during the third week shall be liable to a surcharge of TZS 5,000/= per day.  No student shall be registered after the third week since the commencement of the semester.
  7. Every registered candidate is required to submit a progress report to his/her supervisor who shall forward to the College/School or Institute through the Head of Department.
  8. Each College/School/Institute is required to submit progress reports of all postgraduate students to the Director, DPGS.
  1. Masters and Ph.D. by Coursework and Dissertation

Students undertaking their Masters and Ph.D. degrees by coursework and dissertation will have to observe the following:

  1. To complete the coursework, a student must pass a minimum number of units, including all the prescribed core courses.
  2. On Senate’s approval of the results, the candidate proceeds to the dissertation phase of the programme.  It is essential that he/she writes and tables a comprehensive proposal in a Departmental/Institute seminar.
  1. Masters and Ph.D. by Thesis
  1. The candidate, with the help of the Department’s supervisory committee, is required to submit a two-page statement of the intended research topic to the relevant College/School/Institute.  On the basis of the statement, the College/School/Institute assigns supervisor(s) to the candidate.
  2. Within four months of the registration, the candidate must have presented a comprehensive and substantive research proposal in a Departmental seminar.
  3. Guidelines on the writing of the research Proposal are detailed in the General Regulations and Guidelines for Postgraduate Study Programmes (2006).

Extension of Registration Period

  1. Candidates who, for valid reasons, fail to complete their theses/dissertations within the specified period may apply using form UDSM/PG.F7 for an extension of the registration period.
  2. The student shall pay an extension fee of Tshs. 25,000/ per month.
  3.  The extension period shall not exceed six months for full-time and twelve months for part-time candidates. Under very special circumstances, the DPGS Board may consider a further extension of registration period for a maximum of six months.
  4. Granted the extensions, the maximum duration of registration shall be two and half years for full-time and four years for part-time Masters’ students and five years for full-time and seven years for part-time Ph.D. students.

Freezing Registration

  1. If, for any sound reason, a candidate fails to continue with his/her studies, he/she may apply to DPGS Board for the  freezing of the registration through his/her Department and School/Institute/College.
  2. The maximum period for such freezing of registration shall be two years.

Completion of a Programme

  1. The duration of the registration period for each programme shall be as stipulated by the relevant College/School/Institute and approved by Senate.
  2. Failure of a candidate to complete the Masters and/or Ph.D. study programme within the specified period shall necessitate his/her discontinuation from studies, unless the DPGS Board decides otherwise.

Postponement of Studies

Postponement of studies shall not be entertained. However under special circumstances, permission to postpone studies may be considered as per regulation 4.1.3 for students at the coursework phase. Thesis and Dissertation students shall be required to freeze registration as per regulations 4.3 a and b.



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