University of Dodoma (UDOM) Admission Entry Requirements

University of Dodoma (UDOM) Admission Entry Requirements | The University of Dodoma (UDOM) has released the Admission Entry Requirements to the institution for the academic year. (All Programmes).

University of Dodoma (UDOM) Admission Requirements

Are you looking for the entry requirements for admission to the University of Dodoma (UDOM)? Here is the official UDOM Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Masters, Graduate, Diploma courses/programmes admission requirements into the institution for the academic year.

UDOM Admission Requirements

i. All applicants for postgraduate studies should submit their dully filledapplication form (UDOM/GS.F1) accompanied with the refereesrecommendation forms (UDOM/GS.F2), application fee pay in slip,and copies of academic transcripts, certificates and birth certificate tothe Director of Graduate Studies and Continuing Education of theUniversity of Dodoma.

ii. All applicants are required to pay a non-refundable application fee, asit will be indicated in the application advertisement and theprospectus.

iii. Certificates obtained from foreign institutions of higher learning shallbe subject to recognition by the Tanzania Commission for Universities(TCU).

UDOM Entry Requirements

UDOM postgraduate programmes entry requirement has been set followingthe Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU) minimum standard.Generally, for the candidate to be admitted into the programme offered bycourse work and dissertation, should be holder of a First or Second-classhonours degree (Minimum GPA 2.7) or B average for unclassified degree inrelevant disciplines from any accredited University or its equivalent from anyapproved higher leaning institution.

While for the candidate to be admitted under Master degree by Research only minimum GPA should be 3.5, and for PhD the applicant should possessMaster’s degree (Minimum GPA should be 3.0) in the area intended to registerfor studies. Applicant for either Master or PhD degree programme by researchalone should present a concept paper outlining what to be researched in theintended discipline. Details (if any) are as indicated in this prospectus underthe respective programme.

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