UKZN 2025/2026 Tuition Fee, Courses Offered & Admission Requirements

University of Kwazulu-Natal Tuition Fee, Courses Offered, and Admission Requirements. See more details here.

South Africa has one of Africa’s best universities. Do you want to study at the University of Kwazulu-Natal? There is certain information you need to have handy. Information like tuition fees, courses offered, and admission requirements.

The University of KwaZulu-Natal is a non-profit public higher education institution in the urban setting of Durban, KwaZulu-Natal.

The University of KwaZulu-Natal, also known as UKZN, has five campuses in the province of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa and was formed on January 1, 2004 after the merger between the University of Natal and the University of Durban-Westville.

The other campuses are in Westiville, Pinetown, and Pietermaritzburg. The university is a coeducational higher education institution that is officially accredited and/or recognized by the Department of Higher Education and Training, South Africa. UKZN has an enrollment range of 40,000–44,999 students, according to uniRank.

The University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) offers courses and programs leading to officially recognized higher education degrees, such as bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees, and doctorate degrees, in several areas of study. UKZN has a selective admission policy based on entrance examinations and students’ past academic records and grades.

The school welcomes international students to apply for enrollment.

University of Kwazulu Natal Courses Offered

The university offers a wide variety of courses, which are spread across its four colleges. These colleges are made up of several schools, and in most cases, a subdivision is spread across one or more of the university’s campuses. For example, the Chemistry is on both the Pietermaritzburg and Westville campuses.

Below is a list of courses offered in UKZN, grouped by their various colleges and the bachelor’s degree obtainable:

  • College of Agriculture, Engineering and Science (BSc Eng: Agricultural, B.Sc. Eng.: Chemical, B.Sc. Eng.: Civil, B.Sc. Eng.: Computer, B Sc Eng: Electrical, B Sc Eng: Electronic, B Sc Eng: Mechanical, B Sc: Land Surveying, B.Sc. Eng.: Extended Programme, B Sc: Property Development, B Agric (Agricultural Extensions and Rural Resource Management), B Agricultural Management, B Sc Agric, B Sc Agric:Agribusiness, B Sc Agric: Agricultural Economics, B Sc Agric: Agricultural Plant Sciences, B.Sc. Agric: Animal and Poultry Science, B Sc Agric: Plant Pathology, B Sc Agric: Soil Science, B Sc Stream LES (Life Earth Sciences), B Sc Stream M (Mathematics), B Sc Applied Chemistry, B.Sc. Biological Science, B.Sc. Chemistry and Chemical Technology B.Sc. Computer Science and Information Technology, B Sc Crop and Horticultural Science, B Sc Dietetics, B Sc Environmental Science, B Sc Environmental Earth Science, B Sc Geological Science, B Sc Industrial and Applied Biotechnology, B Sc Marine Biology, B Sc 4 Augmented Programme
  • College of Health Sciences: Bachelor of Audiology, Bachelor of Speech-Language Pathology, B Dental Therapy, B Medical Science: Anatomy, B Medical Science: Physiology, B Occupational Therapy, B Optometry, B Pharmacy, B Physiotherapy, B Sport Science, B Nursing, B Medicine, and B Surgery.
  • College of Humanities – B Ed, B A (General Studies), B A Cultural & Heritage Tourism, B A Philosophy, Politics and Law, B A International Studies, B A Music, B A Music & Drama Performance, B A Visual Art, B Soc Sc (General Studies), B Soc Sc Geography & Environmental Management, B Soc Sc Government, Business & Ethics, B Soc Sc Housing, B Architectural Studies, B Music, B Social Work, B Theology, Dip Jazz & Popular Music, Dip Music Perf. Classical or African Music & Dance or Opera or Choral Studies, B Soc Sc Extended Curriculum Programme.
  • College of Law and Management Studies: B Laws, B Laws (p/t), B Admin, B Business Administration, B Business Science, B Com, B Com Accounting, B Com Extended Curriculum (General), B Com Extended Curriculum (Accounting)

University of Kwazulu Natal Application Forms

While applying for UKZN, students are expected to fill out application forms. Below is the application pack for higher degree applications.

  • AP1-0 Application Checklist
  • AP1-1 Application for Postgraduate Admission International and Local (1)
  • AP1-2 PG Internal Application Form Amended, 05-09-14
  • AP1-3 Proof of Funding form
  • AD1-2 MOU Student and Supervisor updated April 2025
  • AP1-4 Research Project Proposal
  • AP1-5 IP2 UKZN Intellectual Property Agreement
  • AP1-6 GR-7a Technical
  • AP1-7 GR-7b Non-Technical

University of Kwazulu Natal Prospectus

The UKZN Prospectus gives complete information about the school, its programmes, campuses, admissions, statistical facts, and innovations. It states UKZN’s vision of being the Premier University of African Scholarship and opens up on its introduction of Moodle 2025/2025, UKZN’s online learning management system.

The implication is that from 2025, all first- and second-year undergraduate students at UKZN will require a laptop. There will be no charges for lecture notes for undergraduate level one and two modules.

Investing in a laptop will offset the cost of lecture notes over a three-to-four-year undergraduate degree period.

Other information not relating to admissions found on the prospectus includes: accommodation for students, caring for students’ needs, sports and recreation, student governance and activities, and facilities available. The UKZN Undergraduate Prospectus 2025 is downloadable from the university’s website.

University of Kwazulu Natal Postgraduate Courses

Postgraduate courses are offered as Master’s by coursework, Master’s by research, or doctoral programmes. Below is a list of postgraduate courses offered in its four colleges:

  1. College of Agriculture, Engineering and Science

Engineering – Doctor of Philosophy by research can be undertaken in the various programmes in Engineering as follows: Agricultural, Chemical, Civil, Computer, Electrical, Electronic, Mechanical

Master of Science in Engineering by Research can be undertaken in the various programmes in engineering as follows: agricultural, chemical, civil, computer, electrical, electronic, and mechanical.

Master of Science in Engineering by coursework can be undertaken in the various programmes in Engineering as follows: Construction Management, Quantity Surveying, and Land Surveying,

Master of Science can be undertaken in the following programmes: Applied Mathematics, Biochemistry, Biological Sciences, Biometry, Botany, Chemical, Technology, Chemistry, Computational Physics, Computer Science, Ecology, Entomology, Ethnobotany, Food Security, Genetics, Geography, Grassland Science, Hydrology, Mathematics, etc.

Master of Science in Agriculture can be undertaken in the following programmes: Agribusiness, Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Production, Agricultural and Environmental Instrumentation, Agrometeorology, Animal Science, Community Resources, Food Processing, Food Science, Grassland Science, Horticultural Science, Plant Breeding, etc.

Master of Science (Biological Systems)

Master of Science in Dietetics

Master of Science in Human Nutrition 

Master of Science by dissertation can be undertaken in the following programmes: Applied Mathematics, Biology, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Computer Science, Environmental Science, Financial Management, Geography, Geology, Mathematics, Microbiology, Physics, and Statistics

Master of Science by coursework: Master of Marine and Coastal Management

Doctor of Philosophy by dissertation can be undertaken in the following programmes: Applied Mathematics, Biology, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Computer Science, Environmental Science, Financial Management, Geography, Geology, Mathematics, Microbiology, Physics, and Statistics

  1. College of Health Sciences

Department of Audiology: Master of Communication Pathology (Audiology) (Coursework and Research), and Doctor of Philosophy

Department of Occupational Therapy: Master of Hand Rehabilitation (Coursework), Master of Occupational Therapy (Research), Master of Philosophy in Group Therapy (Coursework), Doctor of Philosophy

Department of Speech-Language Pathology: Master of Communication Pathology (Speech-Language Pathology) (Coursework and Research), Doctor of Philosophy

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences: Master of Pharmacy, Master of Medical Science (Pharmaceutics) (Research), Master of Medical Science (Pharmaceutical Chemistry), On-line Masters in Pharmacy (Pharmacy Practice/Pharmacoeconomics), Master of Medical Science (Pharmacology), Doctor of Philosophy

Department of Physiotherapy: Master of Physiotherapy (Coursework and Research), Doctor of Philosophy

Department of Sport Science, Biokinetics and Excercise Science: Master of Sport Science-Biokinetics (Coursework), Master of Sport Science-Exercise Science (Coursework), Master of Sport Science (Research), Doctor of Philosophy

Department of Optometry: Master of Optometry (Research), Doctor of Philosophy

Under School of Laboratory Medicine and Medical Sciences:

Department of Clinical Anatomy: Master of Medical Science-Medical Biochemistry (Research), Doctor of Philosophy

Department of Human Physiology: Master of Medical Science Physiology (Research), Master of Medical Science in Sports, Medicine (Coursework), Doctor of Philosophy

Department of Medical Biochemistry: Medical Biochemistry, Master of Medical Science Medical Biochemistry (Research), Doctor of Philosophy

Under School of Nursing and Public Health: Master of Nursing-Advanced Midwifery and Women’s and Child Health (Coursework and Research), Master of Nursing – Critical Care and Trauma (Coursework and Research), Master of Nursing – Community Health (Coursework and Research), etc.

Under Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine:

School of Clinical Medicine: Master of Medical Science (MMedSc) – Research (all disciplines), Master of Medical Science in Clinical HIV/AIDS Management, Master of Medical Science in Medical Informatics, Master of Medical Science Telemedicine, Master of Public Health, and Master of Medicine in: Anaesthetics, Anatomical Pathology, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Cardiology, Chemical Pathology, Dermatology, Family Medicine, etc.

  1. College of Humanities

School of Education: Adult Education; Curriculum Studies; Education Leadership, Management and Policy; Educational Psychology; Education and Development; Gender Education; History Education; Higher Education; Language and Media Studies;

Mathematics Education; Science Education; Social Justice Education; Social Science Education; Teacher Education and Professional Development; Technology Education

School of Applied Human Science: Childcare and Protection; Criminology; Culture, Communication and Media Studies; Health Promotion; Psychology, Clinical, Counselling, Educational; Research and Industrial; Social Work

School of Arts: Afrikaans en Nederlands, Art History, Drama and Performance Studies, Digital Media, Educational Linguistics, English Studies (incl. Southern African Literature), Visual Arts, French, German, isiZulu (mother-tongue and non-mother-tongue), Linguistics, Media and Cultural Studies, Music, Translation Studies

School of Built Environment and Development Studies: Architecture, Community Development, Development Studies, Housing, Population Studies, Town and Regional Planning, and Urban and Regional Planning: Development Planning, Environment and Planning

School of Religion, Philosophy and Classics: African Christianity; African Theology; Biblical Studies; Catholic Theology; Christian Spirituality; Classics, (Greek, Latin, Classical Civilisation); Cognitive Science, Howard College; Comparative and Applied Ethics; Gender and Religion; Ethics; History of Christianity; Historical and Modern Theologies; Industrial Mission; Ministerial Studies; etc.

School of Social Science: Anthropology, Howard College; Computer Science; Cultural and Heritage Tourism; Conflict, Transformation and Peace Studies; Economic History and Development Studies; Ethics Studies; Gender Studies; Global Studies; Government, Business and Ethics; History, Howard College;

Industrial, Organisational and Labour Studies; Information Studies; Information Systems and Technology; Philosophy; Policy and Development Studies, Political Science; Politics, Philosophy, Economics; Public Policy; Sociology; Geography and Environmental Management; Geographical Sciences

  1. College of Law and Management Studies

School of Law: Masters of law in Advanced Criminal Justice; Business Law; Child Care and Protection; Constitutional and Human Rights; Litigation; Environmental Law; Labour Studies; Maritime Law; Medical Law; Taxation

School of Accounting, Economics and Finance: Master of Commerce (Coursework) in Economics; Research Degrees in Master of Commerce (Economics), Master of Commerce (Finance), and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD); Master of Accounting (Financial Accounting); M Com in Conflict Resolution and Peace Studies (Full Research); M Com in Economics (Coursework and Dissertation); M Com in Economics (Full Research); M Com in Finance (Full Research); M Com in Maritime Studies (Coursework and Dissertation); PhD Conflict Resolution and Peace Studies; PhD Economics; PhD Finance

School of Management, IT and Governance: Research degrees in Master of Commerce (Entrepreneurship), Master of Commerce (Human Resources), Master of Commerce (Information Technology), Master of Commerce (Marketing), Master of Commerce (Management), Master of Commerce (Supply Chain Management),

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the fields of: Human Resource Management, Information Technology, Marketing, Management, Supply Chain Management;

Master of Commerce/Administration (Coursework) in Master of Commerce in Human Resource Management, Master of Commerce in Industrial Relations/Employment Relations, Master of Commerce in Management, Master of Commerce in Marketing Management;

Master of Commerce (Full Research) in Master of Commerce in Management, Master of Commerce in Marketing Management, Master of Commerce in Human Resource Management, Master of Commerce in Human Resource Development, Master of Commerce in Industrial Relations/Employment Relations;

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the fields of: Management, Industrial Relations, Human Resource Management, Human Resource Development, Marketing Management, Qualifications in Governance, Master of Public Administration (MPA), Master of Administration, Doctor of Administration

Graduate School of Business and Leadership: Qualifications offered in PhD (Leadership studies), Master of Business Administration (MBA), Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)

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