Vector Technology Institute Admission Entry Requirements 2023/2024

Vector Technology Institute Admission Requirements 2023/2024 for all courses – The Vector Technology Institute programmes entry requirements for the 2023/2024 academic year has been released.

Vector Technology Institute Admission Requirements

The management of the Vector Technology Institute has released the Intake entry requirements for successful admission into the undergraduate and postgraduate (Degree, Ph.D., Masters, Diploma, Certificate, Short Course, and Non-Degree) programmes respectively for the 2023/2024 academic year.

The Admissions Department of the Institute and its responsibilities fall under the patronage of the Registrar. The institute’s Registrar is responsible for the acceptance of all new applicants at Vector Technology Institute.

Participants need not have any background in working with computers at a professional level for entry into Vector programmes; however, it is necessary that the individual shows an affinity for working with electrical or electronic devices.

Vector Technology Institute Admission Requirements

Interested students may apply to any of the Vector Technology Institute Courses at any time and are admitted subject to fulfilling all Vector Technology Institute admission entry requirements for the 2023/2024 academic year.

Type of Admission


Refers to an applicant who meets VTI’s basic matriculation requirements completely to enter into a VTI programme.

Mature Entry

The Mature Age Entry Scheme is an avenue for entry into the institute for applicants over the age of 25 years who would not normally qualify for admission in full or provisional status. Applicants instead would be granted admission based on four main areas: work experience, job responsibilities, technical qualifications, and competence.

Applicants applying for mature entry will also be required to sit an English Language and/or Mathematics examination set by the institute.


Refers to an applicant who does not meet all the requirements for full admission into a VTI programme. Admission may be granted to students of provisional status needing one additional subject to meet the minimum matriculation requirements for VTI programmes. On applying the applicant must either be enrolled in a related program or registered for the next sitting of the CXC, GCE, O’Level or a relevant equivalent examination for the purpose of satisfying the basic matriculation requirement.

Students can also opt to pursue an introductory course at the University College of the Caribbean (added). Failure to gain the necessary passes within the year will result in the student’s withdrawal from the programme until matriculation requirements have been met and full admission status will not be attained.

Type of Admission


Refers to an applicant who meets VTI’s basic matriculation requirements completely to enter into a VTI programme.

Mature Entry

The Mature Age Entry Scheme is an avenue for entry into the institute for applicants over the age of 25 years who would not normally qualify for admission in full or provisional status. Applicants instead would be granted admission based on four main areas: work experience, job responsibilities, technical qualifications, and competence.

Applicants applying for mature entry will also be required to sit an English Language and/or Mathematics examination set by the institute.


Refers to an applicant who does not meet all the requirements for full admission into a VTI programme. Admission may be granted to students of provisional status needing one additional subject to meet the minimum matriculation requirements for VTI programmes. On applying the applicant must either be enrolled in a related program or registered for the next sitting of the CXC, GCE, O’Level or a relevant equivalent examination for the purpose of satisfying the basic matriculation requirement.

Students can also opt to pursue an introductory course at the University College of the Caribbean (added). Failure to gain the necessary passes within the year will result in the student’s withdrawal from the programme until matriculation requirements have been met and full admission status will not be attained.

For more information and inquiries about Vector Technology Institute admission entry requirements, you can contact the Vector Technology Institute by visiting the institution’s official website or campus.

However, if you have any queries regarding Vector Technology Institute Entry Requirements 2023/2024Please kindly DROP A COMMENT below and we will respond to it as soon as possible.


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