Zambian Open University 10th Graduation Ceremony Schedule 2023

Zambian Open University Graduation Ceremony: The Zambian Open University 10th Graduation Ceremony Schedule 2023 has been released.

Zambian Open University Graduation Ceremony

The Zambian Open University wishes to inform all the 2023 graduands that the 10th Graduation Ceremony of the University has been arranged as follows:

  1. Date: Friday, 7th September, 2023 – Graduation Day
  1. Venue: Newfoundland Campus, Unity Road (off Mumbwa Road), Lusaka West, Lusaka.
  2. Graduation Registration: All graduands (even those intending to graduate in absentia), must register for graduation by 17: 00 hours on Monday, 6th August, 2023. The registration exercise for all graduands will be carried out at the Newfoundland Campus in Lusaka.
  1. Invited Guests for Graduands: Two Invitation Cards will be given to each graduand to invite two guests only.
  1. Participation Fee: All graduands (even those intending to graduate in absentia), must pay a participation fee of K600.00 (Six Hundred Kwacha) upon registration by 17:00 hours on Monday 6th August, 2023. The fee must be paid in the University ZANACO Bill Muster Bank Account No: 1031176500166, Manda Hill Branch, Lusaka.
  1. Outstanding Fee Balances: Graduands with outstanding balances on fees must clear them on or before 6th August, 2023; failure to which, they will not be allowed to graduate.
  1. Academic Records : Graduands must ensure that all courses taken in their programme of study have been graded and passed, and there are no missing courses or grades.
  1. Reporting Time : Graduands must be at the graduation venue by 07.30 hours on the day of graduation.
  1. Rehearsals : Rehearsals for all graduands will take place on Thursday, 6th September, 2023 at the Newfoundland Campus, Lusaka West, from 14.00 to 15:30 hours.
  1. Academic Dress : Academic gowns will be on sale at the Newfoundland Campus, Lusaka West, at the following rates:

Diploma K650.00

Bachelor’s degree K700.00

Master’s degree K1500.00

Doctoral degree K3500.00

Please deposit money for academic dress in the ZAOU Bank account indicated in 5 above as you deposit the participation fee. Also NOTE that no graduand shall be allowed to graduate if he/she will not wear the prescribed dress bought from the University.

More Information: For more information or query, contact the Senior Assistant Registrar (Academic Affairs) on the following numbers: 0977501896/0976123055/0969672965

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