JAMB Registration Online Guidelines – 2017/18

JAMB 2017 UTME | www.jamb.gov.ng | 2017 online JAMB Registration | How to Register Jamb Online  –  Guidelines 2017/18. Read Below……


Click to Read all JAMB 2017 UTME Registration Updates Here

Joint admission and matriculation board, How to Register Jamb Online 2017 – In this article, we will be explaining in detail, how to register Jamb 2017 without stress. We will help you understand in a simple way.

However, the first most ask question has been answered. It has finally been confirmed that Jamb registration has begun and the exam date fully decided.

Other questions I will try to answer are:

Before I go deep into explanation, let me first list the steps involved in Jamb 2017 registration.

Top 9 Steps to Register for Jamb CBT 2017

  1. Have a personal and Valid Email Account.
  2. Create Jamb Profile.
  3. Pay for Jamb 2017 E-Pin-Registration.
  4. Go to any accredited Jamb CBT Center around you.
  5. Provide your full and accurate details.
  6. Go for 10 Fingers Biometric and Image capture.
  7. Register and Collect Your E-Slip.
  8. Collect Brochure, Syllabus and Other Materials.
  9. Gather your things.

Full Details on How to Register Jamb 2017

1. Have A Valid Email address

This is the first and basic step. You have gotten to point where you need to receive messages beyond text.

In a lay man’s word, email is the address you can use to get messages online.

It is very easy to create an email. An mail could me Google mail (Gmail), Yahoo mail, etc.

I will recommend Gmail for you. It is very easy to create and will help you get personalized results when you search Google.

Now, you may be asking, how do I create a valid Gmail account? Like I said earlier, it is very simple.

All you need to do is, enter your details in the registration page. Please, Do not use slang or street name as your email. Let your real name and surname appear in your email address.

If you already have an email account, you do not need to create another one.

2. Create Jamb Profile

The very first step in Jamb registration is to create Jamb profile. It is very compulsory for you to register your profile before obtaining Jamb 2017 Form.

You may be asking, who has profile help? It has helped so many persons. Jamb profile is the way, no student register’s Jamb except through it.

RECOMMENDED! How to Create JAMB Profile

Apart from Jamb registration, you need the Jamb profile for Jamb online result checking, Admission status check, Admission letter printing, and so on.

If you have already created Jamb profile, you don’t have a problem here. Expressly proceed to the third step.

On the other hand, If you don’t have a registered Jamb profile, it is time to do that. Jamb profile is very easy to create. I will share a link to create Jamb profile. The link will open in new tab so that you can come back to complete the registration process.

3. Pay for Jamb 2017 E-Pin Registration

Now that you have a valid email address and Jamb profile, what next? Get the E-Pin.

This E-PIN is what replaced Jamb scratch card. You can get it in two places:

  • Banks in Nigeria
  • Nigeria Post Office (NIPOST)

However, if you cannot go to the bank or NIPOST, Relax. Banks have agreed to make the registration PINs available at accredited Jamb CBT registration centres.

4. Visit Any Accredited Jamb CBT Registration Center

In our time, it was Cyber cafes. Am sorry, you never enjoyed that experienced. It is not my fault anyway.

Jamb released the list of accredited CBT centers recently. I have compiled the list and made it available for you in PDF. You can download and go through them to the decide the most convenient one for you.

Donwload JAMB Accredited Centre Here

At the Accredited Jamb CBT Centre, you will be given a CD containing the following for free:

  • e-brochure showing guidelines on admission detailing list of tertiary institutions and available programmes of study.
  • Syllabus (e-syllabus) for the examination.
  • Step by step guide on completion of the application form.
  • A video messages from the Registrar of JAMB and a demo on how to use eight (8) keys for UTME examination without mouse.

5. Give them accurate details

So many students lost admission last year because of mistakes in the details to supplied to Jamb and school of choice.

I am begging you in the name of God, do not supply details that will land you into trouble. Check your documents and make your that there is concord between the subject and predicate.

Also, make sure your subject combinations are accurate before you proceed.

6. Go for Fingers Biometric

Still at the Registration center, the four things below will happen:

  • Jamb will take all your fingerprint
  • Your O-level or A-level result will be submitted.
  • You can use awaiting result.
  • You can use two sittings. I.e, one awaiting and one complete result or two complete results.

7. Gallantly collect Your E-Slip

8. Collect Other Things

9. Stroll Round

10. You Are Done

That is all. You have successfully registered. All you need to do now is, go home, eat well and sleep.

If you need us to help you with more updated information at the right time about JAMB Registration Form, kindly provide us your phone number and email Address in the comment box below. Also feel free to ask any question pertaining to this guide


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