LASPOTECH Post-UTME Result 2019/2020 | Check Your Result Here

LASPOTECH Post-UTME Result 2019/2020… We are pleased to inform the general public and most especially all the prospective applicants who participated in the 2019 post UTME screening exercise of the Lagos State Polytechnic of Technology, Laspotech, that the result of the screening has been released.


The LASPOTECH Post-UTME Result 2019/2020 has been published online and all the candidates who applied for admission into the Polytechnic can now check their result/performance below;

How to check LASPOTECH Post UTME Result

step 1. Go to the College portal at

step 2. When the page loads up, enter your Username and Password in the spaces provided.

step 3. Click on the “Login” button and your result will be displayed on your computer screen.

However, if you have any feeling regarding the Lagos State Polytechnic of Technology, Laspotech post UTME result checking, Please kindly DROP A COMMENT below and we will respond to it as soon as possible.


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