
MS TCDC Courses Offered for Undergraduate Bachelor Degree Admission


MS Training Centre for Development Cooperation, MS TCDC Courses Offered for Undergraduate Bachelor Degree Admission – This is the complete list of available Undergraduate programmes offered at the MS TCDC and approved by TCU.


Chuo Cha Mipango Dodoma: Here is the list of available undergraduate courses/programmes offered at MS TCDC that has gained Tanzanian Commission for Universities (TCU) accreditation.

According to our research, Courses offered at the MS Training Centre for Development Cooperation shows that Undergraduate, Diploma, International students, Graduate, Postgraduate, Ph.D., Masters, Degree and Non-Degree Programmes – Courses are offered at the institution. So Interested candidate can apply for MS TCDC admission at any time when the application form is online in subject to fulfill MS TCDC admission requirements.


List of MS TCDC Undergraduate Courses

Here is the updated Courses / Departments in MS Training Centre for Development Cooperation

Our Academic Programs


TCDC has had academic programming since 1999.  It started with certificate then diploma then a Bachelor’s degree in community development studies with Kimmage University College, Ireland.  TCDC added a Master’s degree in governance and leadership to its academic programmes in 2010/2011 in collaboration with the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT), Kenya.  A couple of years later, TCDC started its own degree programme, a BA in governance and development.

By 2017, more than 300 students from all over Africa have gone through the different academic programmes over the years.  They are involved in various occupations helping build strong governance and visionary leadership in hundreds of small, medium and large organizations across Africa.

Below we describe the BA degree in governance and development, and the MSc in governance and leadership.  TCDC is committed to research and studies, theory and practice focusing on Africa governance and leadership.  We work with 5-7000 students and participants on governance and leadership issues every year, through academic programmes and hundreds of short courses.

Bachelor of Arts in Governance and Development

The Bachelor of Arts in Governance and Development is a natural progression for practitioners and students with various Diplomas who would wish to take specialized degree in governance and development.  Studies have proven that governance and accountability are vital ingredients to people centred development.

Masters of Science in Governance and Leadership
Graduates of the programme should be able to solve complex governance and leadership challenges, explore emerging global issues that affect governance and leadership. Ultimately, these are graduates that will define the future course of development and move millions out of poverty.

>>>If you have any question or helpful suggestion about MS TCDC courses, please don’t hesitate to use the comment box to post your question so that we review & response ASAP<<<

See other schools Courses list HERE


For information and inquiries, you can contact the MS Training Centre for Development Cooperation by visiting the institution’s official website.


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