
Tanzania Society of Animal Production Annual Scientific Conference

TSAP conference Schedule | The Tanzania Society of Animal Production Annual Scientific Conference details.

Event Type

Tanzania Society Of Animal Production (TSAP)

Date & Time

24th – 26th October 2018


Olasit Garden, Arusha, Tanzania

Targeted Audience

The conference intends to bring together Animal Scientists, Veterinarians, Fisheries and Aquaculture Scientists, Economists and other stakeholders with interest in the livestock and fisheries industries.

Event Registration
Event Cost
Payments Required
Event Summary

The 41st Annual Scientific Conference for the Tanzania Society of Animal Production (TSAP) will be held from 24th to 26th October 2018 at OLASIT GARDEN, ARUSHA, TANZANIA. The conference intends to bring together Animal Scientists, Veterinarians, Fisheries and Aquaculture Scientists, Economists and other stakeholders with interest in the livestock and fisheries industries.

The TSAP conference 2018 will offer a unique opportunity to researchers, extension experts, managers and other stakeholders in the livestock and fisheries sub-sectors to share experiences and explore the role of livestock and fish production in the process of industrialization of the economy in Tanzania. The question on how the improvement of livestock and fish production can spearhead the process of industrialization in Tanzania will be discussed.

Transforming livestock and fish value chains to support industrial economy in Tanzania



(i)  Modernization of livestock and fish value chains for increased productivity
(ii) Understanding gender dimensions in livestock and fish value chains
(iii) Embracing ICT in livestock and fish value chains
(iv) Sustainable livestock and fish production in the era of climatic change

Good Scientific Papers related to the above sub-themes are invited for presentation at the conference. Two types of papers are invited for presentation at the conference:

a) Papers for Oral presentation: The paper should NOT EXCEED 15 pages typed in double space using 12 pti Times New Roman in MS Word.
b) Papers for Poster presentation: The Poster should NOT EXCEED 6 pages typed in double space using 12 pti Times New Roman in MS Word.

The following guidelines must be adhered to.
The manuscript should be divided into sections as follows:
1. Title of the paper, followed by authors’ names and affiliations
2. Abstract,
3. Introduction
4. Materials and Methods
5. Results
6. Discussion
7. Conclusion
8. Acknowledgements
9. References.

A 2.5 cm margin on both sides of the page is recommended. All headings should be in lower case, bolded and left justified. Tables and figures should be numbered according to their sequence in the text. The text should include references to all tables and figures. SI units should be used. All publications cited in the text should be presented in a list of references. References cited together in the text should be arranged chronologically. The list of references should be arranged alphabetically on authors’ names, and chronologically per author.

Each contributor is required to submit an abstract of not more than 300 words. Abstracts and full papers must be in English. Authors are requested to indicate their preferred mode of presentation (i.e. oral or poster presentation) and the sub-theme under which they would like to present their papers. Nevertheless, selection of papers for oral or poster presentation will entirely depend upon the decision of the TSAP secretariat after considering their quality.


Prospective presenters are strictly requested to adhere to the following schedule Abstracts should reach the secretariat by 31st August, 2018 while full papers should be received by 30th September, 2018

New membership fee:
Members (TShs) : –
Non-members (TShs) : 10,000.00
Foreigners (USD): –

Annual subscription 
Members (TShs) :20,000.00
Non-members (TShs) :20,000.00
Foreigners (USD):  –

Early registration (until 5th October, 2018)
Members (TShs) : 130,000.00
Non-members (TShs) : 130,000.00
Foreigners (USD): 100

Late registration (after 5th October, 2018)
Members (TShs) : 150,000.00
Non-members (TShs) : 150,000.00
Foreigners (USD): 110

TOTAL (Early registration) 
Members (TShs) :150,000.00
Non-members (TShs) : 160,000.00
Foreigners (USD): 100

TOTAL (Late registration)   
Members (TShs) : 170,000.00
Non-members (TShs) :180,000.00
Foreigners (USD): 110,000

In addition to the above costs, participants are also expected to meet their travel costs to and from Arusha as well as the living costs during the entire period of the conference.

Participants are advised to pay mandatory fees through TSAP Bank account shown below:

Bank name: CRDB Bank; Branch: SUA; Account name: Tanzania Society of Animal Production (TSAP); Account number: 01J2075479500; Swift code: CORUTZTZ

Contact Information

Kindly submit your abstracts, papers and scanned bank pay in slip by e-mail to TSAP secretariat and The paper files should be named using your surname followed by dash (-) and 41TSAP e.g. Msalya-41TSAP.



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