
University of Zimbabwe Graduation Ceremony Schedule

University of Zimbabwe Graduation Schedule… The University of Zimbabwe, UZ Graduation Ceremony overview.

University of Zimbabwe Graduation Schedule


University of Zimbabwe Graduation

The ceremony is held annually, usually in September/October. Each year, the University of Zimbabwe confers over 2500 students with internationally recognized First Degrees, Masters and Doctoral qualifications. Graduation is the culmination of 2 to 5 years of hard work and is certainly the high point of a student’s life.

The ceremony is officiated by the Chancellor of University of Zimbabwe, His Excellency, the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe, Cde RG Mugabe.


After qualifying for graduation, each graduate is issued with a University of Zimbabwe degree certificate and transcript. Graduands are required to clear all outstanding fees and pay a graduation fee of US$75.00 which covers the following:

-academic regalia and,

– transcript and certificate issued on graduation day

Relevant Information i.e date, time and venue are availed to graduands on the university website.



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