Western Hospitality Institute Admission Entry Requirements 2023/2024

Western Hospitality Institute Admission Requirements 2023 for all courses – The Western Hospitality Institute entry requirements for the 2023 academic year have been released.

Western Hospitality Institute Admission Requirements

The management of the Western Hospitality Institute has released the Intake entry requirements for successful admission into the undergraduate and postgraduate (Degree, Ph.D., Masters, Diploma, Certificate, Short Course, and Non-Degree) programs respectively for the 2023 academic year.

Western Hospitality Institute Admission Requirements

Interested students may apply to any of the Western Hospitality Institute Courses at any time and are admitted subject to fulfilling all Western Hospitality Institute admission entry requirements for the 2023 academic year.

Entry Requirements

  • Two recent passport pictures
  • Transcript from high school or last institution attended
  • A copy of all qualifications held
  • 1 Recommendation from Minister of Religion or Justice of the Peace
  • A completed WHI application form
  • Copy of Bank voucher or deposit slip with the relevant amount ($1,000JMD)
  • Valid food handler’s permit for tourism students
  • Résumé

Entry Requirement for Bachelor Degree
– Associate Degree
– Sealed Transcript ( 90 credits)
– Portfolio
– CN$100 application fee
– Recommendations
– Bank Statement
– an Entrance  panel interviewee is required

Re-Admission Policy

The organization does grant time-off from classes during special circumstances. A letter should be presented to the Head of Schools who will give the permission in writing, which will not be in excess of 1 Quarter.

If a student takes it upon him/herself to take more than 1 quarter off then the student will pay a sum of half the tuition to continue the programme plus any outstanding tuition or other fees that may have existed.

If the student should be out for a year or more then the entire tuition at that time will have to be paid and previous credits earned will have to be re-taken

At present WHI offers the following Hospitality programs:

  • Bachelors of Science Degree in Hospitality Management
  • A.Sc. Diploma, and Certificate In Hotel & Restaurant Management with a minor in Food & Beverage or Culinary Chef Management.
  • AA, Diploma, and Certificate In Business Management
  • Certificates in Waitering & Bartending, Housekeeping, Front Office, General Catering, Pastry Making, Cake Baking & Decorating, and International Cuisine.
  • AA in Hospitality Management

At WHI we do not discriminate against the less fortunate in terms of their academic capabilities throughout high school etc. As long as you have a pass in the English language then you can access any of our certificate programs and matriculate to the diploma and associate degrees, providing you maintain a “B” average or above.

Admission Requirements

  • Certificate programs – No subjects, however, you’ll have to sit an asset test in reading and writing skills and basic math.
  • Diploma programs – 2 CXCs or GCSEs including English Language or 2 years experience in the field of choice. Students will also be required to take an entrance / Asset test in Mathematics and English Language.
  • Associate Degrees – 5 CXCs or GCSEs including English Language or 4 years experience in the field of choice. Students will also be required to take an entrance Asset test in Mathematics and English Language.
  • Joint Bachelors Degree – WHI ASc. Degree or Associate Degree/Diploma from a recognized institution. Please note that this Bachelors Degree is a joint degree with the following colleges and Universities internationally
  • WHI B.Sc. requires you to have an Associate degree with 90 credits. (Plus other requirement B.Sc. see program)
  • They are:
  • Southern New Hampshire University/ SNHU – USA

Upon successful completion of the WHI Associate Degree students can matriculate into SNHU and complete the Bachelors Degree over two summers, while working in the USA between summers. The Work-coop is considered a part of the SNHU Bachelors program.

State University of NEW York / DELHI – USA

Once a student has successfully completed WHI Associate degree program , the student can matriculate into SUNY/DELHI Bachelors Degree Program and it would take the student one academic school year ( 9 months)  to complete the Bachelors Degree program.

Virginia State University / VSU – USA

It will take a WHI Associate Degree students an additional two academic school year to complete the VSU Bachelors Degree Program.

VSU – Bachelors Degree Program for Jamaica ( NEW)

Western Hospitality institute is currently in Negotiation with VSU to launch their Bachelors Degree in Hospitality Management in collaboration with WHI in Jamaica starting September 2005. The program promises to be of high quality and affordable for Jamaicans.

Students are required to do the following Acceptance

– Psychological evaluation – You will be referred to to the school assigned psychologist to go through a psycho / temperament testing which should enable you to select the right program to suit your temperament. The assigned psychologist is Mrs. Erica Kerr – Desilva, FIMCA BSc, MSc. ( PhD pending)

 Medical Record  – The school has three assigned medical practitioners that students are asked to use, no other medical records will be accepted. They are:

– Dr. Clifford Soares – Kingston

– Dr. Sonia Nixon – Montego. Bay

– Dr. Oliver Myers – Santa Cruz


If a student receives a test lower than communication #1 in the Asset test, that student is referred to Hillcrest College to take USE OF ENGLISH classes. The student must be successful in completing the USE of ENGLISH program at Hillcrest college before he / she can matriculate into WHI communication classes. Please note that this is at an additional cost to the student and is not reflected in the tuition of Western Hospitality Institute. WHI  students are required to register for use of English classes at an additional cost. Once a student test below college level English they are required to pay for use of English classes


It is mandatory that students attend a week of orientation  usually schedule for all new students. Failing to do so, the student will not be accepted to class and his/her acceptance will be forwarded to the next semester.

Chairman’s Dinner

All students must attend the chairman’s Dinner which is  compulsory. This is the only time when all students are addressed by the Chairman.

Purchase of Books / Manuals

The institution realizes how costly books are and as such, the lecturers have prepared manuals  at affordable cost for all our students. Please get a copy of the book list.

Notice Board Information

We encourage all accepted students to read the notice board when they arrive at school and before they leave the school daily. Failing to do so will result in them missing very important information and the school will not be held responsible. Students are also advised to check the internet as often as possible for updates.

For more information and inquiries about Western Hospitality Institute admission entry requirements, you can contact the Western Hospitality Institute by visiting the institution’s official website or campus.

However, if you have any queries regarding Western Hospitality Institute Entry Requirements 2023Please kindly DROP A COMMENT below and we will respond to it as soon as possible.


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